
Program Director: Angela Carpenter

Associate Professor: Angela Carpenter (Linguistics)
Assistant Professor: Sabriya Fisher (Linguistics)
Visiting Lecturer in Linguistics: Yoolim Kim (Linguistics)

Advisory Committee:
Angela Carpenter (Linguistics)
Ellen Hildreth (Computer Science)
Allison McIntyre (Philosophy)

Affiliated Faculty:

Maria del Mar Bassa Vanrell (Spanish)
Margaret Keane (Psychology)
Sohie Lee (Computer Science)
Sun-Hee Lee (East Asian Languages and Cultures)
Mary Kate McGowan (Philosophy)
Jennie Pyers (Psychology)
Catherine Wearing (Philosophy)
The source for faculty who are on leave is the faculty roster maintained by the Provost's Office


  • Lecturer in Spanish

    B.A., University of the Balearic Islands, Spain ; M.A., Ph.D., University of Texas (Austin)

    My research and teaching interests focus primarily on semantics, pragmatics, syntax-semantics interfaces, Romance linguistics, dialectal and typological variation, and sociolinguistics.

    More about Maria del Mar Bassa Vanrell

  • Associate Professor of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences

    B.A., Wellesley College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts (Amherst)

    Professor of linguistics; research interests include artificial language learning and acquisition of phonology.

    More about Angela C. Carpenter

  • Diana Chapman Walsh Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences

    B.A., Binghamton University ; M.S., University of Lyon; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

    Research interests include sociolinguistics, language variation & change, varieties of English, and the language varieties of the African diaspora. 

    More about Sabriya Fisher

  • Denise Kellen '68 Professor in the Health Sciences; Professor of Psychology

    A.B., Harvard College; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Interested in exploring the cognitive and neural bases of human memory capacities; teach courses in memory, cognition, and neuropsychology.

    More about Margaret Keane

  • Visiting Lecturer in Psychology

    B.A., Wellesley College; M.Phil., Ph.D., University of Oxford

    Research interests include the relationship between spoken and written language, the structure of the mental lexicon, orthographic processing and the acquisition of literacy and skilled reading, and structures of writing systems.

    More about Yoolim Kim

  • Professor of Korean

    B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Yonsei University; Ph.D., Ohio State University

    Director of Korean program; focused on Korean language and culture, particularly corpus-based linguistic analysis and learner corpus research

    More about Sun-Hee Lee

  • Margaret Clapp ’30 Distinguished Alumna Professor of Philosophy

    B.A., Wellesley College; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University

    Professor of metaphysics, philosophy of language and law; also teaches logic and various seminars.

    More about Mary Kate McGowan

  • Virginia Onderdonk ’29 Professor of Philosophy

    B.A., M.A., Tufts University; Ph.D., Princeton University

    Main interests: philosophy of mind, moral theory, the history of moral philosophy, especially 18th-century British moral psychology.

    More about Alison G. McIntyre

  • Professor of Psychology

    B.A., Smith College; Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)

    Research interests include the relationship between language and cognition, bilingualism, the psycholinguistics of sign languages, and the role of iconicity in language.

    More about Jennie E. Pyers

  • Associate Professor of Philosophy

    B.A., McGill University; Ph.D., Harvard University

    Researches at the intersection of philosophy of language and cognitive science, focusing especially on figurative language.

    More about Catherine Wearing

Faculty Emeriti

  • Professor Emerita of Psychology and Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences

    B.S., Pennsylvania State University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Rochester

    My research focuses on economic decision-making from an evolutionary perspective.

    More about Margery Lucas