Lecture: Timothy Barringer: Transatlantic Landscapes

Saturday, May 6, 2017 - 2:00pm
Friends of Art Gallery

The histories of American and British art have often been told as isolated narratives of two national schools rooted in their own soil. This presentation focuses on stylistic, iconographic, and historical comparisons to suggest that transatlantic dialogue—by way of Constable and Kensett—is a key to understanding art in the Anglophone world.  

Tim Barringer is Paul Mellon Professor of the History of Art at Yale University. His books include Reading the Pre-Raphaelites (1999; 2012) and Men at Work: Art and Labour in Victorian Britain (2005). With colleagues he co-authored American Sublime, and co-edited Colonialism and the Object, Art and the British Empire, Writing the Pre-Raphaelites and Art and Emancipation in Jamaica. He was co-curator of Pre-Raphaelites: Victorian Avant-Garde and of Pastures Green and Dark, Satanic Mills. He is co-curator, with Elizabeth Kornhauser, of Thomas Cole’s Journey: Atlantic Crossings (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York and National Gallery, London, 2018).