Major/Minor Requirements

Japanese Language and Culture Major: Refer to the EALC Major Requirements

The Japanese program trains students to achieve fluency in the Japanese language and to think critically about Japanese literature and culture. The EALC majors in Japanese follow a parallel track, taking language courses and literature/culture courses in translation that culminate in advanced work on literature in Japanese at the 300 level. To this end, students are strongly encouraged to begin their study of the language in the first year. A junior year, a semester, or a summer of intensive language study in Japan is encouraged. 

Students entering with advanced language preparation may substitute alternate language units as necessary with departmental permission. JPN 101, JPN 102, and JPN 201 may be counted toward the degree, but not toward the major. Students who have completed JPN 308, JPN 309, JPN 311, JPN 314 or the equivalent may request to do an independent study using the Japanese language (JPN 350). Those who wish to do an independent study that does not require the Japanese language should register for JPN 250. An advisor should be chosen from within the department.

Japanese Language and Culture Related Courses
CPLT 236/EALC 236 The Girl in Modern East Asian Culture (in English)
EALC 121 Gateways to East Asia (in English)
EALC 225 Traditional Romances of East Asia (in English)
EALC 253/THST 253 Telling Stories in China, Japan, and Korea: The Performing Tradition in East Asia
EALC 325 Traditional Romances of East Asia (in English)

Japanese Language and Culture Minor

The Japanese minor consists of a minimum of five units of language or non-language courses at the 200-level or above with either JPN or EALC designations and normally includes JPN 201 and JPN 202. At least one course must be a non-language course and at least one course must be taken at the 300 level. Students must choose an advisor from within the Japanese program. Only one unit may be transferred from another institution to fulfill requirements for the minor.