book cover of Nassim Assefi's "Aria: A Novel"

Nassim Assefi, '91, novelist

Aria: A Novel (Harcourt 2007)

cover of book by Margaret Dean, "The Time It Takes to Fly"

Margaret Lazarus Dean, '95, novelist

The Time It Takes to Fall (Simon & Schuster 2008)

book cover lost

Gwen Hart, '98, poet

Lost and Found (WordTech 2005)

cover of book by Joyce Hackett, "Disturbance of the Inner Ear"

Joyce Hackett, '83, novelist

Disturbance of the Inner Ear (Carroll & Graf 2002)

hillary jordan

Hillary Jordan, '84, novelist

When She Woke (Algonquin 2011), Mudbound (Algonquin 2008)


Malinda Lo, '96, novelist

Huntress (Little Brown 2011), Ash (Little Brown 2009)

kamala nair

Kamala Nair, '03, novelist

The Girl in the Garden (Grand Central Publishing 2011)

cover of book by Patricia Powell entitled "A Small Gathering of Bones"

Patricia Powell, '88, novelist

Me Dying Trial: A Novel (Beacon 1993), The Pagoda: A Novel (Harvest 1999), and A Small Gathering of Bones: A Novel (Beacon 2003), The Fullness of Everything (Peepal Tree Press 2009)

book cover of Alyson Richman's "Swedish Tango"

Alyson Richman, '94, novelist

The Mask Carver's Son: A Novel (Bloomsbury 2001), Swedish Tango: A Novel (Simon & Schuster 2004), The Last Van Gogh: A Novel (Berkely 2006)

book cover of Cathy Song's poetry book "Cloud Moving Hands"

Cathy Song, '77, poet

Picture Bride (Yale 1983), Frameless Windows, Squares of Light (Norton 1988), School Figures (Pittsburgh 1994), The Land of Bliss (Pittsburgh 2001), Cloud Moving Hands (Pittsburgh 2007)

book cove of Reetika Vasirani's "World Hotel"

Reetika Vazirani, '84, poet

White Elephants (Barnard 1996), World Hotel (Copper Canyon 2002)