About Tutoring

About becoming a PLTC tutor

The PLTC works closely with departments to hire and maintain qualified tutors.

There are three main types of PLTC tutors:

  1. Assigned tutors meet with a student one-on-one and help in a specific subject/course area. Students must apply for an assigned tutor and make an appointment.
  2. Help Room tutors hold "office hours" (drop-in hours) weekly where any students can drop by for help in a specific subject area. Most drop-ins cover 100 level courses.
  3. Attached tutors hold "office hours" (drop-in hours) weekly for a specific section of a course. Any students enrolled in the course can drop by for help.

All tutors can be considered assigned tutors and may be requested for individual appointments based on department (unless otherwise specified).

If you are interested in becoming a tutor, please talk to your professor or a professor within the department.