Procedures for Carcinogens, Reproductive Toxins, Substances That Have a High Degree of Acute Toxicity, and Chemicals of Unknown Toxicity

It is Wellesley College policy to permit work with select carcinogens as listed in 29CFR190.1450 only with prior approval. When prior approval is obtained, the Science Center Safety Committee will advise on the appropriate rules for affected personnel.

  • Definitions: For the purpose of this Chemical Health Plan, Chemicals in the following four categories will be called Particularly Hazardous Substances. A partial list is maintained by the Chemical Hygiene Officer in the Science Center Office.
    • Selection carcinogen: any chemical defined as such in 29CFR1910.1450.
    • Reproductive toxic: any substance described as such in the applicable MSDS. 
    • Substances that have a high degree of acute toxicity: any substance for which the LD50 data in the applicable MSDS cause the substance to be classified as a "highly toxic chemical" as defined in the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. 
    • Chemical whose toxic properties are unknown: chemical for which there is no known statistically significant study conducted in accordance with established scientific principles that establishes its toxicity.
  • Designated areas shall be posted and their boundaries clearly marked. A designated area is a hood, glove box, portion of a laboratory, or an entire laboratory room designated for work with particularly hazardous substances in excess of a specified limit. Only those persons trained to work with those chemicals will be allowed in a designated area. All such persons will:
    • Use the smallest amount of chemical that is consistent with the requirements of the work to be done.
    • Use high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to protect vacuum lines and pumps when materials are in solid form or generated as an aerosol.
    • Decontaminate a designated area when work is complete. Check MSDS, laboratory supervisor, Chemical Hygiene Officer or library for decontamination procedures.
    • Prepare wastes for disposal in accordance with specific disposal procedures consistent with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and as designated by the Chemical Hygiene Officer.
  • Store all chemicals in locked and enclosed spaces with a slight negative pressure compared to the rest of the buildings.
  • Wear long sleeved disposable clothing and gloves known to resist permeation by the chemicals to be used when working in designated areas. Gloves selection guide is available from the Chemical Hygiene Officer.


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