
Bylaws Of The Wellesley College Administrative Council






  1. Eligibility
  2. Rights and Responsibilities
  3. Non-members
  4. Representatives to Academic Council
  5. Representatives to Student Senate
  6. Representative to the Advisory Committee on Budgetary Affairs
  7. Representative to the Committee on Environmental Sustainability
  8. Representative to the Committee on Library and Technology Policy



  1. Chair
  2. Schedule of Meetings
  3. Special Meetings
  4. Order of Business
  5. Rules of Order
  6. Parliamentarian
  7. Secretary of Administrative Council



  1. General Regulations
  2. Steering Committee
  3. Nominating Committee
  4. Compensation and Personnel Policy Advisory Committee
  5. Committee for Diversity
  6. Administrative Council Advisory Board
  7. Community Connections Committee
  8. Other Committees



The name of this organization shall be the Wellesley College Administrative Council, hereinafter referred to as the "Administrative Council".


Administrative Council shall serve in an advisory capacity to the President and shall provide a forum for exchange of information among the administrative staff members and departments and with other College constituencies. The Administrative Council shall represent the views of the administrative staff in the College's decision-making process.


A. Eligibility

1. The Steering Committee shall organize an open call for membership to Administrative Council each fall before October 1st. Membership shall be open to all administrative staff. Each member of the Administrative Council is entitled to one vote. Administrative staff can join off-cycle by submitting a written request to the Secretary of Administrative Council.

2. All members of Administrative Council may have speaking privileges at meetings and may present motions as individuals or on behalf of a committee on which they serve.

B. Rights and Responsibilities

Each member shall be encouraged to present his/her individual viewpoint and shall not represent the viewpoints of an administrative unit or a specific job function, unless specifically disclosed at the meeting.

C. Non-members

1. Attendance

Non-members may be invited to attend meetings of the Administrative Council under special circumstances when, for example, a particular issue with which they are involved is to be discussed at the meeting. The request by a non-member to attend a specific meeting shall be referred to the Steering Committee for determination of the request.

2. Attendance of Representatives of Other Constituencies

Two representatives of Academic Council (designated by the Nominating Committee of Academic Council), the President of College Government, one representative of Senate (designated by the Nominating Committee of Senate), and one representative of House Presidents' Council (designated by House Presidents' Council), shall be admitted as nonvoting members with speaking privileges.

D. Representatives to Academic Council

Each year the Nominating Committee of Administrative Council shall nominate two representatives of Administrative Council to attend meetings of Academic Council. The names of the two nominees shall be sent to the President by June 30th for her approval for inclusion with the designated twenty-four administrators allowed under the Wellesley College Articles of Government, Book I, Article II, Section 1.B.8.

The representatives from Administrative Council to Academic Council shall ordinarily report each semester to Administrative Council.

E. Representatives to Student Senate

Each year the Nominating Committee of Administrative Council shall nominate two representatives of Administrative Council to attend meetings of Student Senate. The names of the two nominees who shall serve as representatives of Administrative Council to Senate shall be sent to the President of the College Government.

The representatives from Administrative Council to Senate shall ordinarily report each semester to Administrative Council.

F. Representative to the Advisory Committee on Budgetary Affairs

The Nominating Committee of Administrative Council shall nominate a representative of Administrative Council to serve as a member of the Advisory Committee on Budgetary Affairs. The representative shall be elected for a term of two years and, together with a member of the Compensation and Personnel Policy Advisory Committee (CPPAC) selected each year by that Committee, shall represent the views of Administrative Council to the Advisory Committee on Budgetary Affairs. Among its duties, this committee:

  • acts as advisory committee to the President in the planning for and preparation of the College budget;
  • shall make annual total review of the budget, have access to all relevant informatoin, and shall have the power to review any portion of the budget which it wished to bring into question; may undertake appropriate evaluations or surveys and may request of the President that additional survyes and evalutaions be undertaken when appropriate; shall advise on any budgetary matter brought to its attention by any segment of the College community; shall be free to make formal recommendations on particular budgetary matters, shall report such formal recommendations to Academic Council, and shall report ot Council on the progress of those recommendations;
  • shall consult with the Prsident and other appropriate administrative officers at the earliest stage, and at appropriate succeeding states, of the budgetary process; and
  • shall consult wiht those segments of the College community not directly represented on the Committee concerning those aspects of its deliberations which affect them, except as such consultation shall not interfere with collective bargaining.


The representative shall also serve as an ex-officio member of CPPAC with voting rights. The representative from Administrative Council to the Advisory Committee on Budgetary Affairs shall ordinarily report each semester to Administrative Council.


G. Representative to the Committee on Environmental Sustainability   

The Nominating Committee of Administrative Council shall nominate a representative of Administrative Council to serve as a member of the Advisory Committee on Environmental Sustainability. This committee:

  • advises the President on policies, priorities, and significant issues relating to environmental sustainability at the College;
  • gather's opinions from the College community on issues related to environmental sustainability; and
  • serves as a consultative body regarding relevant college initiatives.

The representative shall be elected for a term of two years and shall represent the views of Administrative Council on the Advisory Committee on Environmental Sustainability.The representative from Administrative Council to the Advisory Committee on Environmental Sustainability shall ordinarily report each semester to Administrative Council.

H. Representative to the Committee on Library and Technology Policy

The Nominating Committee of Administrative Council shall nominate a representative of Administrative Council to serve as a member of the Advisory Committee on Library and Technology Policy. This committee 

  • advises the Chief Information Officer on polices and priorities and significant issues relating to the use of Information Services in the work and lives of faculty, staff, and students at the College;
  • consults with their respective constituencies to gather opinions on issues related to technology and library;
  • is consulted regarding the need for, selection of, and implementation of any major new instructional or communications technology;
  • helps Information Services in educating the College community about the responsible use of information technology; and
  • has the authority to make recommendations to Academic Council about policies relating to the libraries and academic uses of technology.

This representative shall be elected for a term of two years and shall represent the views of the Administrative Council on the Advisory Committee on Library and Technology Policy. The representative from Administrative Council to the Advisory Committee on Library and Technology Policy shall ordinarily report each semester to Administrative Council.


A. Chair

The President of the College or the President's delegate shall chair all meetings of Administrative Council.

B. Schedule of Meetings

Ordinarily there shall be eight one-hour meetings each year unless a motion to adjourn is defeated. Advance notice of all meetings shall be given.

C. Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Steering Committee. Advance notice of such meetings shall be given.

D. Order of Business

I. Call to order
II. Approval of minutes
III. Announcements
IV. Reports

A. Officers
B. Standing committees
C. Special committees

V. Interpellations of committees and officers
VI. Old business
VII. New business
VIII. Other business
IX. Adjournment

E. Rules of Order

Robert's Rules of Order shall be used for reference.

F. Parliamentarian

A Parliamentarian shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee for a one year term and may be re-nominated for no more than five consecutive one-year terms.


The Parliamentarian ensures that members of Administrative Council conduct all Administrative Council business in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order and these Bylaws.

G. Secretary of Administrative Council

The Secretary of Administrative Council shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee for a one year term.


The Secretary of Administrative Council shall be responsible for recording, transcribing, and disseminating the minutes of Administrative Council meetings, keeping Administrative Council records and Bylaws, recording and updating Administrative Council membership, and acting as an ex-officio member of the Steering Committee.


Twenty percent of the membership of Administrative Council shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. At meetings where a quorum is not present, business may still continue at the discretion of the Steering Committee. A vote can only take place if there is a quorum.

A majority of the voting members of any committee shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the committee where a vote is required.


A. General Regulations

1. Committees should reflect distribution from all administrative sectors of the College and should include representation from exempt and nonexempt employees.

2. No member of Administrative Council may serve simultaneously on more than one standing committee or as a delegate to more than one College constituency unless otherwise specifically designated in these Bylaws.

3. Ordinarily no two members of a single department or office shall serve on any committee simultaneously.

4. Motions may be presented to Administrative Council on behalf of committees. A motion on behalf of a committee shall be made by the Chair or her/his delegate.

5. The President shall be an ex officio member, without voting rights, of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

6. Ordinarily no member of a committee shall succeed herself/himself on a committee.

7. No present member of a particular office shall be on an advisory committee to that office except in an ex-officio capacity.

8. Committee membership commences July 1 and ends June 30. Elected committee members are expected to attend 75% of the meetings of their committees, and are automatically granted Council membership for the duration of their term.

B. Steering Committee

1. Charge

The Steering Committee is charged with insuring that the central issues of the College shall be brought to the attention of the Administrative Council, determining whether issues should be referred to Administrative Council or its committees, and gathering information from various segments of the College community for discussion at Administrative Council. The Steering Committee shall also be charged with setting dates and agendas of Administrative Council meetings, overseeing membership, and maintaining the Administrative Council Web site. The Steering Committee shall request reports from Administrative Council representatives as designated in the bylaws in cooperation with the Parliamentarian.

2. Members

The Steering Committee shall consist of seven elected voting members. Ordinarily all members shall be elected on a staggered basis for a term of two years.

3. Chair

The Steering Committee shall elect its own Chair(s). The Chair(s) shall report regularly to Administrative Council on Committee business.

C. Nominating Committee

1. Charge

The Nominating Committee is charged with presenting Administrative Council with a slate of nominees for standing and ad hoc committees of Administrative Council and representatives to other councils and committees. In addition, the Nominating Committee shall nominate a Secretary of Administrative Council, a Parliamentarian, and two Tellers. The slate is to be voted on and approved by Administrative Council in the spring. All nominees shall be selected in accordance with the general regulations as stated in these Bylaws. When requested by a committee chair, the Nominating Committee shall also be responsible for filling any vacancy created in the membership of any committee or representative position. A vacancy occurs when a committee member resigns or ceases to be a member before his or her term is completed. Bylaws will be distributed to all new committee members each year once the slate has been voted on and approved. The Nominating Committee will select Tellers as needed to count votes taken at Administrative Council meetings and distribute printed materials prior to their discussion at Administrative Council meetings

2. Members

The Nominating Committee shall consist of five elected voting members. Ordinarily all members shall be elected on a staggered basis for a term of two years.

3. Chair

The Nominating Committee shall elect its own Chair(s). The Chair(s) shall report regularly to Administrative Council.

D. Compensation and Personnel Policy Advisory Committee

1. Charge

The Compensation and Personnel Policy Advisory Committee is charged with advising the President and other appropriate officers on all personnel related procedures and policies including but not limited to salaries, benefits, professional development, and working conditions.

2. Members

The Compensation and Personnel Policy Advisory Committee shall consist of seven elected voting members. Ordinarily all members shall be elected on a staggered basis for a term of three years. A member of the Human Resources Office, designated by the Director of Human Resources, and a member of the Budget Office, designated by the Vice President for Finance and Administration, shall serve as ex officio members without voting rights. The Administrative Council Representative to the Advisory Committee on Budgetary Affairs shall also serve as ex officio member with voting rights.

3. Chair

The Compensation and Personnel Policy Advisory Committee shall elect its own Chair(s). The Chair(s) shall report regularly to Administrative Council.

4. Representatives to Other Constituencies

The Compensation and Personnel Policy Advisory Committee shall elect one of its members to serve as a non-voting member representing the committee's views to the Advisory Committee on Budgetary Affairs.

E. Committee for Diversity

1. Charge

The Committee for Diversity is charged with considering, evaluating, and recommending policies and programs regarding establishing programs regarding the promotion of inclusiveness, in order to create a more multicultural and diversified community.

2. Members

The Committee for Diversity shall consist of five elected members. Ordinarily, all members shall be elected on a staggered basis for a term of two years.

One additional ex-officio liaison shall serve on the committee as follows: The Director of Human Resources or delegate.

3. Chair

The Committee for Diversity shall elect its own Chair(s). The Chair(s) shall report regularly to Administrative Council

4. Representatives to Other Constituencies

The Committee for Diversity shall elect two of its members to serve as representatives to the Diversity Coalition.

F. Administrative Council Advisory Board

1. Charge

The Advisory Board is charged with fostering greater collaboration among Administrative Council committees by coordinating and strengthening the work of standing committees to ensure that committees are active, relevant, and adequately sized. Working with the Steering Committee and the President’s Office, the Board will also explore the formation or revision of committees as needed. The Board will review and propose changes to the Council bylaws on an annual basis.

2. Members

The Advisory Board shall consist of one member of each standing committee, the chair of the Steering Committee, the Secretary of Council, and one elected Council member who will serve two years.

3. Chair

      The Advisory Board shall elect its own Chair(s). The Chair(s) shall report to Administrative Council as needed.

G. Community Connections Committee

1. Charge

The Community Connections Committee is charged with developing self-funded or no cost programming for Wellesley College staff members with the goal of fostering a sense of community among staff from all divisions of the College.

2. Members

The Community Connections Committee shall consist of five elected voting members. Ordinarily, all members shall be elcted on a staggered basis for a term of two years.

3. Chair

The Community Connections Committee shall elect its own Chair(s). The Chair(s) shall report regularly to Administrative Council on Committee business.


H. Other Committees

1. Additional standing committees may be established from time to time by the Administrative Council by means of an amendment to the Bylaws.

2. Ad hoc committees may be established from time to time by the Administrative Council.

3. Subcommittees may be established from time to time at the discretion of an Administrative Council committee.


These Bylaws may be amended after prior written notice to members of Administrative Council. An amendment shall not be voted upon at the same meeting at which it is presented. An amendment requires a 2/3 vote of members present and voting at the meeting which it is acted upon. Any voting member of Administrative Council may propose a change to these Bylaws.

Revised: 1996 (committee members: Valerie Dalton, Mary Dukakis, Angie Evans, Robin Gaynor, Eleanor Tutty, Linda Murphy Church).

Revised: August 2005 by Patricia Bois, Angie Evans, Lynne Payson, Eleanor Tutty, David White. Changes to the bylaws voted on and approved by Administrative Council on Oct. 31, 2005.

Revised: January 2007 by Patricia Bois, Angie Evans, Barb Burck, Patricia Galindo, Karen Kerns, Jennifer Thomas-Starck, Sandra Thompson, David White, Sarah Jean Kelley.

Revised: May 2009 by representatives to the Advisory Board. Changes to the bylaws voted on and approved by Administrative Council on April 15, 2009.

Revised: May 2010 by representatives to the Advisory Board. Changes to the bylaws voted on and approved by Administrative Council on May 19, 2010.

Revised: October 2018 by representatives of Steering Committee and Secretary of Administrative Council.