Bob Battershield

Union Employee Spotlight


Bob Battershield

Custodial Services

Years of Service

21 Years

Jobs at Wellesley College

Custodial: Green Hall, Science Center, Pendleton

Other Jobs

Custodian: Children's Hospital, U.S. Naval Base - Naval Exchange Store (in Barbados)
Gardener - after school

Where are you from and where do you live now?

From Barbados, currently living in Framingham, MA

Any personal or family stories you want to tell?

I came to the U.S. at age 25 seeking better opportunities for myself and my family. I was third out of twelve children. My father died at age 50, and my mother died recently at 83. I'm the proud grandfather of two grandchildren.

Any thoughts on working at Wellesley College?

Wellesley is a nice place to work. I enjoy working with students and the other employees.