Employee Accommodations

Employee Accommodations

Employees of the College who have a disability are welcome to request reasonable accommodations by contacting Accessibility and Disability Resources (ADR) at accessibility@wellesley.edu, or by contacting ADR staff through the contact information on the sidebar. Staff is also available to talk about access and resources on and off campus.

Some accommodations that are not specific to the job but instead the campus, such as parking or dining accommodations, may involve an intake with the Director and documentation of the disability, including limitations (some documentation guidelines can be found here on the ADR website).  Other employment-specific accommodations may additionally include consultation with Human Resources, an employee’s job title and role document/job description, and a meeting with the employee’s supervisor. Information regarding disability remains separate from an employee's work record.

Employees may be students, administrative staff, union staff and faculty members. There are no restrictions regarding the amount of hours worked or benefits received when being reviewed for a reasonable accommodation.

For more information, contact ADR at accessibility@wellesley.edu.