Remote Learning Access Basics

Remote Learning Access Basics

Access to Online Software

Many faculty members will be using Zoom as an online platform for teaching (see here for tutorials on Zoom) while also using software students are more familiar with such as Sakai, Google Drive, Google Sites, and related sharing platforms.  Each of these has access features some or all students with disabilities may find helpful.


You can find out about some of the Zoom access features that may be available to you depending on how the faculty members teach the course and what your needs are here. Some additional details are shared below. 

Zoom Access Features

Zoom has hot keys and keyboard shortcuts which can help those with mobility, finger dexterity, and low vision needs the ability to more quickly navigate the system. These shortcuts can be found here.


Beyond the storage of course documents including readings, syllabi, and calendars, Sakai will allow faculty members to provide timed exams as well as those with extended time.

Google Drive, Google Sites, and related sharing platforms 

Google Hangouts can be used for communicating with classmates remotely for group work and to stay in touch. 

Requesting Consideration for New Accommodations

Remote learning may introduce needs that you had not previously experienced. Students with health, mental health needs and other temporary or permanent disabilities, if you believe you need accommodations, you can still request accommodations by logging into with your Wellesley student ID and password. An ADR staff person will follow up with you.  More information is available on our webpage about the Accommodations Request Process.

ADR staff are available to meet with you through Zoom or phone to assist.

Student Resources

Penn State Zoom Guide

Seven Tips for Students Transitioning to Digital Learning

Students Tips

Wellesley College General Technology Resources

Whiteboard - Tutoring

Zoom Tutorials

Zoom Access


Have a video that you would like to caption? There are many widely available tools that can enable you to easily caption short, previously recorded videos.

If you have any questions or comments about web accessibility or accommodations, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Accessibility and Disability Resources staff using the contact information in the side bar.