Marc Tetel
Class of 1966 Associate Professor of Neuroscience, Wellesley College

Marc Tetel
Marc Tetel received his B.A. in Biological Sciences from Northwestern University.

After taking some time to travel abroad, he entered a Ph.D. program in Neuroscience and Behavior at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst to study how hormones work in the brain to regulate behavior. For his postdoctoral research, Dr. Tetel studied molecular mechanisms of steroid receptor action in breast cancer at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. He is now the Class of 1966 Associate Professor of Neuroscience at Wellesley College and a member of the Biological Chemistry Program. Dr. Tetel’s lab studies molecular mechanisms of estrogen and progestin receptor action in the rodent brain and behavior. Recently, his NIH-funded lab has begun to investigate how steroid receptors can be activated in the absence of hormones and how estrogens function to regulate feeding and energy homeostasis. Dr. Tetel teaches biology and neuroscience courses, including an upper-level neuroendocrinology course and lab.