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The Spoke
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The Spoke is strategically restructuring during the 2019-2020 academic year.

The Spoke—Voices on Global Affairs is the blog of the Albright Institute for Global Affairs at Wellesley College. Contributing to smarter and better informed local, national, and global public discourse takes care and creativity. In order to be at its most thought-provoking and versatile, The Spoke is strategically restructuring during the 2019-2020 academic year. 

While we are doing the hard work of gathering data and debating ideas in order to bring you the very best high-level thought on global affairs in the most effective ways, look out for our Best of The Spoke posts on Facebook and Twitter, where we respond to world events by reminding you of all the provocative ideas and insightful analysis previously published by The Spoke.  

We take our cues from global affairs’ history just as much as we attend to the world’s latest news. In this restructuring phase, we are inspired by W.E.B. Du Bois, who in a 1948 speech about the United Nations offered these thoughts:

...organization means not less effort on our part nor effort carried on regardless of others. It means effort and even increased effort, but restrained, guided by and adjusted to the efforts of others. 

Only by free speech and free inquiry can we avoid war and have the greatest organization for peace the world has ever known, the United Nations.

At The Spoke, we are committed to the “free speech and free inquiry” that makes the global community a smarter, more diverse, and all-around better place. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for the new and improved Spoke.
