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Silvia Zeamer:

Silvia Zeamer
Art History and Media Arts & Sciences major

At its essence, my art practice exists as a vehicle for the expression and evolution of my imagination. My earliest drawings, illustrations of impactful moments and from the imagined stories I formulated in response to them, less an end to themselves than byproducts of my processing of a wide and unfamiliar world. This integration of response to personal experience into my art remains integral even as the technical and communicative properties of the work itself have taken their place as central motives to my practice. 


Through my art practice, set myself free to explore my imagination and aesthetic sensibilities; in doing so, I hope to provide viewers of my work with a mental space in which to do the same. My work is a reflection of myself - of everything I have taken in, and of what I notice and of the filtration it undergoes as I re-express it in each piece. It is an echo of myself through which I hope others can better perceive some similarly resonant part of themselves.

watercolor, gouache, acrylic, ink on paper
illustration of a black bird flying in front of blue sky with gold leaf clouds
When I was younger, I used to wander away from my home, into the forest, which spread almost endlessly in all directions, looking for the nooks and crannies under roots or between rocks where a very tiny person, or perhaps a mouse, might take shelter or construct a very tiny home. I would spend hours constructing delicate miniature structures from leaves and twigs and bits of moss and seashells, and as I built, I imagined, in exacting and unhurried detail, the lives which would take place in and around these structures.
In my project, I hope to communicate the essence of that experience by providing the viewer with a window into a vast and welcoming wilderness seen through the lens of the narrative fragments with which it is populated. In reality, we are limited by sense and practicality. By exploring an imaginative space which need not achieve perfect cohesion, I allow myself the indulgence of following visual and emotional compulsion foremost. I want its shifting scale and subtle unreality to suggest a daydream of sorts, which departs from the collection of images I have constructed, but whose foremost reality exists in multiplicity in the imaginations of those who perceive them.
two women in profile, facing opposite directions, surrounded by flying black birds with a gold haloed background






