Open Climbing Frequent Flyer Awards

open climbing frequent flyer awards poster

Open Climbing Frequent Flyer Awards

It's November at Wellesley, which means it's midterms until it's finals. Amidst all the psets and quizzes and papers and exams, it can be difficult to set aside time to take care of yourself, stay active, and make time for things you enjoy.

That's why we're sweetening the pot for all of our climbers: we'll be giving prizes to the top ten most frequent attendees at Open Climbing from November 1st - December 14th, the last day of Open Climbing (or LDOOC - we're still trying to make LDOOC happen).

The top three frequent flyers will earn one of our brand-new Wellesley Rec rainbow wristbands and the top ten will receive a Wellesley Rec headband!

If you've never come to Open Climbing before but you've got your eyes on the prize(s), make this your incentive to try something new, meet new people, and prioritize play as we speed-climb towards the end of the semester. All are welcome and we'd be stoked to welcome you into the fold!