Career Advancement

Destiny M. Barletta

Career Advancement can mean different things to different people. For some, advancement means reaching a leadership position within a company or a field. For others, advancement means performing at a high level in a given role. Sometimes, advancement means switching careers entirely to learn a whole new domain, or focusing on giving back to a field or a community.

Negotiation: An Overview

Wellesley Career Education logo
Wellesley Career Education

Negotiation is often one of the most intimidating parts of the job search for so many people. People are unsure about when and if they can negotiate. In order to demystify the process and give you confidence, we have outlined what you can do to prepare for a negotiation conversation, and being prepared will make any negotiation go more smoothly.

Job Searching After 50

Destiny M. Barletta

This resource outlines considerations for job searching over 50, including tailored advice for your writing your resume, networking, and interviewing.

Negotiation & Identity

Wellesley Career Education logo
Wellesley Career Education

Your social context for negotiation will depend upon a variety of factors. This is where you may ask yourself where you are at this stage in your career journey. How do your identities, values, interests, skills, and other aspects of your background intersect with the negotiation process? All of these components are worth considering because they will inform your approach to the process. Depending on your personal situation, some components may pose more questions for you than others.

“In a given week, I might be working with our program staff who are based around the US, Canada and the UK to design learning experiences for teachers; meeting with partner organizations to plan collaborative projects; consulting with filmmakers or scholars who want to reach students; or researching and writing about challenging issues for educators.... It’s probably unusual to stay at one place for so long, but I’ve always been able to answer ‘yes’ to a few key questions: Am I learning? Is my world getting bigger? Is my work making a difference?”

“I think art’s first goal is to remind us that we are human...”

Making the Most of a Virtual Internship or Project

Advisors for Career Exploration

Virtual internships and projects — experiences for which all of the work is done online from a remote location (e.g., your home) instead of on-site at the workplace - come with their own benefits (no commute!) and their own challenges (how to get to know colleagues?). This document will help you to identify and strategize for some of the benefits and challenges of a virtual experience in advance, so you’ll be ready to make the most of your summer experience.

Fulbright Program (rising seniors & graduates)

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

Supports a year (or occasionally more) of study or research abroad in any discipline, or year-long English teaching assistantships (ETAs) abroad in programs designed by the host countries. Eligible are graduating seniors and graduates who are US citizens. Campus application deadline for Wellesley students and graduates typically in August, after an optional draft deadline in July.

On-Campus Recruiting Program Policies (Students)

Kate Rettstadt
Kate Rettstadt

Career Education expects all students to abide by the following rules in order to maintain the success and integrity of Wellesley’s recruiting program.