

The Controller's Office offers web-based training for many common tasks. Each of the topics below is the subject of an individual webinar hosted by staff from the Controller and Purchasing Offices. The webinars are live training sessions in which you can view real-time demonstrations, ask questions, and receive immediate and personalized feedback, all from the comfort of your own desk. Webinars are limited to five participants each, to sign-up for a class, please Email the Instructor.

Click on the title of the training module to view and outline of the content.

Topic Instructor     Times

What to Know Before You Go
Learn everything you need to know about travel reimbursements.

Dotti Koulalis
(Accounts Payable)

Contact instructor to coordinate time.

Paying the Piper
Learn what you need to know to pay individuals and businesses and to reimburse people for expenses.
Dotti Koulalis
(Accounts Payable)
Contact instructor to coordinate time.

Purchasing 101: Who, What, Where, When, and Why
Learn what the Purchasing Department does and how to comply with the College's purchasing policy.

Joe Gibree
Contact instructor to coordinate time.

ProCard 101: Cardholders
The online training will take you through an introduction to the program, getting started (logging on to SDOL), accessing your financial transactions and reporting options.

Laura DeFrancisco
Contact instructor to coordinate time.
ProCard 101: Approvers
The online training will take you through an introduction to the program, getting started (logging on to SDOL), the approval process and reporting options.
Laura DeFrancisco
Contact instructor to coordinate time.