We have revised our COVID-19 policies in ways that will allow us to teach, learn, collaborate, and build community more easily. As we update many of our guidelines, we also recognize that members of the community may choose to mask or test more often than required based on their individual health and family situations, which we encourage. Going forward, we will revise our health and safety policies according to CDC guidelines and as vaccinations against the newer variants become available.

Keeping Wellesley Healthy

  • All students enrolling in the 2023-24 academic year are required to be up-to-date on their bivalent boosters. Medical and religious exemptions will be considered.
  • It is strongly encouraged that all employees are up-to-date on their COVID vaccinations.
  • New students must sign the COVID acknowledgment form.

  • Masks are welcome but not required in any spaces on campus, including classrooms and health and counseling services.
  • Departments and offices can order masks by submitting a service request through the Facilities website.

Students may contact Health Services for symptomatic testing, and rapid tests are available for sale at the Bookstore. Neither Harvard Pilgrim nor the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) reimburse for the cost of rapid tests, but both continue to cover testing in a doctor’s office or Health Services for students.

Faculty and Staff

  • If you have tested positive, you can return to campus when, for at least 24 hours, your symptoms have been improving and you have been fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication. Consider taking added precautions over the next five days, including using masks, practicing physical distancing, and/or testing before being around other people indoors.
  • If you feel well enough to teach or work remotely while isolating or experiencing symptoms, you can, but you are not obliged to do so.
  • Contact your supervisor or HR with any questions.


  • If you have tested positive, you can leave your residence hall room when, for at least 24 hours, your symptoms have been improving and you have been fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication. Consider taking added precautions over the next five days, including using masks, practicing physical distancing, and/or testing before being around other people indoors.
  • Health Services can answer additional questions.

Close contacts

Close contacts of individuals who tested positive are not required to quarantine and are expected to attend class and work on campus.

  • Close contacts (especially roommates) should consider taking added precautions for five days after exposure, including using masks, practicing physical distancing, and/or testing before being around other people indoors.

  • Close contacts who have symptoms should test and should contact their health care provider.

  • Campus buildings continue to be closed to the general public and will require swipe access where available. However, members of the College community may invite guests into buildings. In addition, events (such as lectures, performances, or competitions) may be designated as open to the public, and public-facing facilities (such as the Davis Museum, Bookstore, Global Flora, and the Office of Admissions) may be open at specified hours. Visitors should check event organizers regarding parking recommendations.
  • It is strongly encouraged that all visitors entering buildings are up-to-date on their COVID vaccinations. Masking is optional for visitors on campus.