Globe of Light  (make sure you are relaxed before trying this script)

Now that you’re feeling very relaxed and at peace, imagine that you can see a violet globe of light … about the size of a grapefruit … suspended just above the top of your head. Imagine that this globe of violet light is luminous and semitransparent. Now see this globe of light begin to turn clockwise (or counterclockwise, whichever you prefer). As it turns it picks up any tension in or near the top of your head. Just imagine that as this globe of light turns right above your head, it is picking up and absorbing any tension you feel in your head. It is also picking up any racing, extraneous thoughts, allowing your mind to slow down and become calm. Just keep imagining the violet globe turning, picking up tension from the region of your head for as long as you like, until that area feels completely relaxed. (Pause for 45 seconds or as much time as you need.)

Now imagine that there is a luminous sphere of light, pastel violet, blue, or any color you prefer, out an inch or two in front of your face. Imagine that this sphere is beginning to revolve, slowly, clockwise (or counterclockwise, whichever you prefer). As it turns, it picks up tension and strain from around your eyes. Just continue imagine seeing the globe of light turning in front of your face, and , as it does so, it is picking up and absorbing tension from around your eyes and face. (Pause for 45 seconds or as much time as you need.) Now imagine moving the globe of light down to a spot an inch or so away from your neck. Let it be pastel violet, blue, green, pink or whatever color feels the most right. Again, see it revolving, slowly, clockwise (or counterclockwise, whichever you prefer). As it turns, it picks up tension and constriction in your neck. The longer it continues to turn, the more tension and constriction it can pull up out of your neck. (Pause for 45 seconds or as much time as you need.)

Now move the globe of light down to your chest an inch or so above your sternum, which is at the level of your heart. Again, allow the sphere to be pastel green, pink, or any other color you like. Imagine seeing it turn slowly. As it turns, it is picking up tension in your chest area. The longer it continues to revolve, the more tension it can pull out of your chest. (Pause for 45 seconds or as much time as you need).

Now move the globe of light down to the area of your solar plexus… a point in the middle of your abdomen right below your sternum. This is the place in your body where you are most likely to experience fear, hurt. Make the globe of light very luminous and pick the color for it that feels best to you. Then allow the globe to revolve slowly, picking up as it turns any fear, hurt, or other stressful feelings from the area of your solar plexus. Just continue seeing the globe of light turning right above your solar plexus, allowing it to pick up any tension, stress, or emotional discomfort you happen to be feeling there. (Pause for 45 seconds or as much time as you need).

Now let go of the globe of light and imagine your whole body being bathed by luminous, golden-white light. Imagine that this light enters your whole body at the top of your head and flows down into your neck...your shoulders...your arms… your hands… your chest… your abdomen… your hips… your thighs… your calves… and your feet. Allow this light to enter and fill every single cell of your entire body… and as it does, just relax more and more. You're experiencing this as a very soothing, comforting light. As it spreads through your entire body and enters every single cell, it brings a sensation of comfort, calm, and deep relaxation. it allows you to feel very much at peace … deeply calm and at peace.