LTS Goals

FY2021 LTS Goals

Identify opportunities to support diversity, equity, and inclusion within LTS and more broadly within the Wellesley College community

  • Support students in need by expanding access to computing and information resources and exploring ways to expand the reach of our student instruction programs.

  • Find ways to collaborate with other divisions and departments that have well-defined Inclusive Excellence initiatives.

  • Form an LTS team for coordinating diversity, equity, and inclusion activities that we can connect to our work in a meaningful way and encourage all LTS staff to focus their “two hours a week” projects on diversity, equity, and inclusion activities.

Support the College’s core academic mission and strategic needs during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond 

  • The COVID crisis has introduced unprecedented disruption to teaching, learning and research as well as administrative work. This also provides us a once in a lifetime opportunity to reimagine the use of technology and to rethink our library collections strategies to reduce the impact of such a disruption. Support the faculty, students and staff proactively in the creative and effective uses of technology and digital resources to minimize the disruption from COVID crisis. 

  • Harness core innovations that have benefited teaching, learning, scholarship, and College business during the pandemic and incorporate them into College practices beyond COVID-19.


Leverage technologies to support College needs in the most efficient and cost-conscious ways

  • Continue the process of modernizing our technologies (in all areas of LTS) and aligning them with emerging practices such as moving to the cloud, systems that support modern business analytics, mobile first, and requiring multi-factor authentication.

  • Continually assess both internal and external risks to the privacy and integrity of College information and implement continuous measures to safeguard against those risks.

  • Work with Wellesley community members to take advantage of what the newer systems we have implemented offer and phase out applications developed during transitions.

  • Build knowledge redundancy within the organization by using common application development frameworks and codeless technologies.


Operate as an efficient organization and contribute to the College’s budget sustainability goal

  • Continue the commitment to support the College’s budget sustainability goals by implementing better technologies that result in administrative efficiencies.

  • Constantly reevaluate the needs of the College community and readjust staffing accordingly by developing a highly agile organization and adequate redundancy. 

  • Phase out technologies and services we no longer need and apply the savings towards new initiatives, thereby reducing the need to request new funding.