MISO Survey

2019 MISO Survey


What is the MISO survey and who participated?


In February 2019 LTS administered the MISO survey to campus faculty, staff, and students. MISO (the Measuring Information Services Outcomes Survey) is a survey administered by both merged and unmerged colleges and universities to acquire feedback on their library and technology services. In addition to on-campus feedback, it provides longitudinal benchmarking data from all participating institutions. Wellesley last ran the MISO survey for students in 2017, and for the entire community in 2015.


The survey LTS administered in 2019 aimed to collect feedback on the frequency of use and importance of a selection of library and technology resources and services, your satisfaction with those resources and services, and your assessment of how informed you are about LTS resources, services, and policies. Separate faculty, student and staff surveys asked a common set of questions in addition to constituency-specific questions. 


All College faculty, all College staff, and a sample of Wellesley students (with balanced class participation) were invited to participate. The overall response rates for each group were over 50%. For some administrative offices, the response rate approached 100%. 


MISO Goals and Analysis


Our goal for MISO 2019 was to identify areas of improvement that could be accomplished over the next 1-3 years. The MISO data in combination with other data we are collecting, including usage data, Help Desk data, and feedback from administrative and academic department needs assessment meetings, will help us prioritize areas for improvement and further discussion. In line with this goal, our analysis does not aim to examine every resource and service, but instead to identify those areas of greatest dissatisfaction, areas of highest and lowest importance, areas of highest and lowest frequency, and areas in which our communication with the community needs to improve. We looked at the data several different ways. 




  • Percentages over 20% for “dissatisfied” and “somewhat dissatisfied” answers out of individual question response totals




  • Percentages equal to or over 45% for “important” and “very important” out of individual question response totals

  • Percentages equal to or over 45% for “not important” out of individual question response totals




  • Percentages equal to or over 45% for answers indicating a frequency of more than 1 time per week out of individual question response totals

  • Percentages equal to or over 45% for “never” out of individual question response totals


In addition to looking at each community group overall, we also examined responses by department/academic division, administrative position type, and class year/years of service (for those who voluntarily provided that information in the survey) to determine what differences exist, and whether additional areas for improvement could be found. 


Satisfaction Summary


The overall results of the survey were favorable. The majority of faculty, staff and students reported they were somewhat satisfied and/or satisfied with almost all measured services/resources, and the overall ratings for Computing and Library Services were consistent with the high ratings provided for individual areas.


Percent of satisfied/somewhat satisfied responses by group


  • Overall computing service: Faculty = 93%, Staff = 93%, Students = 96%
  • Overall library service: Faculty = 98%, Staff = 98%, Students = 98%
  • Overall direction of information technology services: Faculty = 90%, Staff = 92%
  • Overall direction of library services: Faculty = 90%, Staff = 95%


Percentages listed below represent dissatisfied and somewhat dissatisfied answers among those who responded to the question. For example, 28% of the faculty who responded to the question were either dissatisfied or somewhat dissatisfied with Workday.




Three items, Workday (28%), Workday Support (25%) and Sakai (24%) received the lowest satisfaction ratings from Faculty. Some differences in satisfaction for Workday and Workday Support existed among academic disciplines and years of service. In addition, Group C faculty had lower satisfaction ratings for Technology in Classrooms and Meeting Spaces (21%).




Input into computing decisions that affect you (24%), Workday (22%), Workday Support (21%), and Support for your Innovative ideas (20%) received the lowest satisfaction ratings from Staff. In addition, Service and Facilities Support staff reported issues with our Wireless Performance (25%) and Managers and Supervisors reported lower satisfaction with our campus telephones (24%).




Students reported lower satisfaction for Campus printers (43%) and Wireless Performance (26%). Sophomores and Juniors listed Collaborative Spaces in the library as an additional issue (20% and 24% respectively).


What if my biggest concern isn’t listed here?


This summary does not include all areas of dissatisfaction for all groups as there was a wide range of responses. If you have a concern not listed here that you would like to see action on, we encourage you to contact LTS so we can follow up on your needs.


Areas of Importance


Most of the listed resources and services were reported as important/very important by the majority of faculty, staff and students.


Frequently Used


Your campus landline telephone: 28% of the faculty respondents said they NEVER use their phone and 23% said they use it more than once per week, while 79% of staff said they use their phones more than once per week.


Online document sharing OTHER than Google drive (Dropbox, Box, etc.): 50% of staff reported using these tools with 19% of staff using them more than once per week. 66% of faculty are using these tools with 37% using them weekly.


While audio conferencing is somewhat uncommon among faculty, 65% have used web conferencing this year with 12% using it more than once a week. Audio conferencing (60%) and web conferencing (61%) are both used by staff, and students (audio = 79%, web = 65%).


60% of students reported using Physical course reserves with 12% of those students using them weekly. 72% reported using the Public computers in a library with 22% reporting weekly use.


Students and Faculty are making use of our many library resources (Catalog, SuperSearch, ILL, e-journals, physical collection, e-book collection and databases), but our LibGuides and our Digital image collection are less frequently used.


Student Device Ownership


This year we chose to ask students about their device ownership.


100% of those responding to the question owned a smartphone

27% owned a tablet

10% owned a printer

99% owned a laptop, with 75% of those being Apple and 25% Windows

1% of students reported owning a linux computer


Are you informed?


In general, faculty and staff feel more informed about library and technology resources, services and issues than students. Faculty were about 50/50 on most topics, while staff reported higher levels of confidence for most topics. Campus feels most informed about system outages and who to contact for their library and technology needs.


Do you want to know more? 


While faculty and students showed little interest in learning more about the variety of topics we proposed, staff expressed interest in both Workday (57% interested or very interested) and GoogleApps (62% interested or very interested) training.


Next steps


The MISO survey is not a comprehensive survey. The survey questions are very general and do not allow for further clarification of user dissatisfaction and needs. To better understand the responses and to organize solutions we are following up using other assessment tools. LTS collects data on resource usage and through help desk tickets and continuing needs assessment meetings with academic and administrative departments. In addition, individuals and departments on campus may routinely connect with their LTS liaisons to communicate their needs. 


Areas for immediate action


Workday and Workday Support


The move to Workday has required a significant transition for all faculty, staff and students. Support (including training, one-on-one consultation, and departmental meetings) for existing and on-going updates in Workday will continue. 


Classroom Technology


Only the Group C faculty fell into our “dissatisfaction zone” of more than 20% dissatisfied or somewhat dissatisfied responses. Group C classrooms (largely in the Science Center) will be addressed through the current renovations. Group A faculty, whose FND and GRH classrooms were most recently renovated, provided the highest satisfaction ratings for this question.


Campus Printers (students)


The 2019 MISO survey was conducted prior to the launch of our new MobilityPrint solution for student printing. In addition, all of the student printers were replaced with new hardware at the start of the F19 semester. As a result of these changes, we are no longer seeing the printing downtimes or waste we saw prior to the upgrades. We are continuing to monitor the Help Desk tickets for any new issues.


Wireless Performance


Wireless at Wellesley is provided in academic, administrative and residential buildings.

Because the MISO survey does not provide detailed information about wireless performance issues (locations, times, platforms, etc.), we are working to identify any potential wireless performance issues using other data. Issues are resolved as they are identified.


Campus Telephones


LTS is currently scoping a project to begin modernizing our telephone system in FY21.


Areas for Further Investigation


There were a handful of areas of dissatisfaction expressed by individual departments. For example, meeting space technology was called out by one or two departments even though meeting space technology was not an area of dissatisfaction for the community overall. In those cases where individuals gave us permission to contact them after the survey, we will be following up to determine whether there are outstanding issues we can resolve.




There were a number of comments and questions included in the open response section of the survey. Individuals who requested feedback on their questions and comments have been contacted by LTS. 


As always, LTS appreciates all feedback both positive and negative as we consider the ways in which we can better serve the community. If you are uncertain to whom you should send your feedback, emailing cio@wellesley.edu is always a place to begin!


Thank you for your participation in this year’s MISO survey. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey please do not hesitate to contact Heather Woods.