Lab News

Lab News

Dana Im (NEUR '10) was a panelist on the Celebration of the New Science Center.  Check out the video here.

Our review on sex steroids and vaginal microbiome was was featured in the Mayo Clinic page.

Read about Cesiah Gomez (NEUR '22) and her senior thesis research that is funded by the Beckman Foundation.

Stephanie's ('19) senior thesis and publication were featured in a daily shot.

Marc was interviewed for an article on hormones and the gut microbiome for Shape magazine.

Marc has participated in the EXPLO program for the past few years.

The lab was featured in Private University Products and News magazine!

Our recent projects on estrogens and microbiome were featured in the daily shot

Stephanie and Jade spent the summer at the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN) working with Drs. Nick Chia and Marina Walther-Antonio. They even made it on the news

Kalpana and colleagues' published work on estradiol-mediated hypothalamic progestin receptor induction was featured in a daily shot article.