Mellon Grant for Evidence-Based Teaching

Andrew W. Mellon Grant for Evidence-Based Teaching Innovations

In 2016, Wellesley College received a four-year $800,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support faculty initiatives to incorporate research about how students learn into their teaching practices. This grant has a broad focus on enhancing teaching and learning across all disciplines at the college. 

What is the goal of the grant?

This grant will enhance the quality of teaching and learning at Wellesley College through:

  • Building a collective understanding among faculty, staff, and students about effective teaching and learning strategies based on current research in learning science, cognitive science, educational psychology, developmental psychology, computer science, and behavioral economics.

  • Supporting faculty across the disciplines in implementing teaching innovations that are grounded in research on how students learn.

  • Assessing the impact of teaching innovations on student engagement and learning, with the goal of understanding which teaching approaches are most effective for our students.

What activities does the grant support?


Join our grant Google Group email list for occasional emails about upcoming workshops, events, and proposal deadlines.


Contact Us!



  Oscar FernandezOscar Fernandez

 Faculty Director of the Mellon Grant




  Sarah Pociask

  Teaching and Learning Assessment Specialist