Wellesley Student Improv Group is Dead Serious About New Schedule Upgrades Descriptive text transcript [video on screen] [low angle shot]: Three students, wearing jeans and sweaters, sit outside on a rock in front of a fire pit shivering and warming their hands on the fire. [text on screen] [colorful text on black background on the side of the screen]:“Dead Serious Improv: Gets Serious About Class Schedule Upgrades” [video on screen] [medium eye level shot] The three students notice the camera and act surprised. [voice on screen]: [student on right] “Oh! Hey I didn’t see you there.” [student in middle] “Hey! Hey Wellesley, we’re Dead Serious, Wellesley’s best and only improv troupe. We’re here to answer your questions about the new class schedule before registration. [video on screen]: High angle shot of the three students on the rock slab. Two students look on, smiling, as the third speaks. [voice on screen][student on the left]: “So, we all know Wellesley students are afraid of change.” [video on screen]: The three students reappear on an outdoor balcony wearing different clothes, acting confused and freaked out. [video on screen]: Eye level medium shot of the students looking out over the balcony, one student facing the camera to speak. [voice on screen]: “But this schedule is actually better than the old one.” [video on screen]: Camera zooms past the three students smiling to a fourth student behind them with a skeptical expression. [voice on screen]: “Really?” [video on screen] High angle shot of the fourth student sitting on a green seat looking at her laptop. [voice on screen]: “It looks so confusing and there are hundreds of blocks. Wait a second, do we only get lunch on Thursdays? [voice off screen]: “No, no, no, no, no.” [video on screen]: One the first students enters the frame and sits down next to the skeptical student and closes her laptop, putting her hand on her shoulder. [voice on screen]: “It’s much more simpler than you think. This schedule gives us way more flexibility. For example, now we can schedule lunch on our own time, based on our own levels of hunger. [video on screen]: Medium shot of student holding a plate of food and looking for a place to sit in the dining hall. [voice off screen]: “No more searching for a table during rushed lunch times. Now the dining halls will be way less crowded.” [video on screen]: Eye level shot of the three students sitting on the floor of an elevator eating food as a person exits. [video on screen]: Full shot of the three students standing on the rocks by the fire pit, trees in the background. [voice on screen] [student in the middle]: “And what’s even better is that Tuesday and Friday classes get out earlier.” [voices on screen]: “Ya!” [video on screen]: The three students jump gleefully off the rocks, the frame freezing while they are in the air. [voice off screen]: “If you have questions, be sure to reach out to your advisors or class dean before registering. Good luck!” [video on screen]: Frame rewinds from middair to students back on the rocks, and then replays the students jumping to the ground. [upbeat music playing] [text on screen]: (on the left) “Dead Serious Improv”, (on the right) “Natalie Miller ’19, Julia Chen ’21, Makaylah Brown ’22, special guest: Naome Sajnani ’21”