Deeba Zivari ’11
Director of Operations and Engagement, Metro Physical and Aquatic Therapy

Deeba Zivari
Deeba Zivari, M.S. in Narrative Medicine from Columbia University and B.A in Comparative Literature from Wellesley College, has a decade of interdisciplinary, local and global scholarship in narrative theory and public health.

Her work focuses on harnessing the interplay of our narrative structures and built environment to advance ergonomic living and population health. From 2013 - 2015 Deeba served as communications specialist and medical education reform leader for a groundbreaking hospital-based population health observatory called the Health Situation Room. Our times' changing healthcare systems and technologies inspired Deeba to tackle instability in accessible, transparent, and integrative care for patients and employees head-on as Director of Operations for a growing, national physical therapy company. Deeba is also co-producer of the world’s largest queer fashion advocacy event hosted annually at major institutions including Brooklyn Museum. The NY Wellesley Club recognized her at its 125th anniversary panel as a “changemaker”.

Deeba was an Albright Fellow in 2011 and continues to contribute to the community as the founder of Maddy Maps, a global networking and resource-exchange platform for fellow alumni.