Tough Love and the Things Worth Fighting For: A Conversation with Ambassador Susan E. Rice Register

Jan 9, 2:45PM, Jewett Auditorium
Livestream Link
Open to the Public
The Albright Institute welcomes Ambassador Susan E. Rice for a conversation with Wellesley professor Michael Jeffries.

In this talk, Ambassador Rice will share stories from her work in foreign policy over three decades and her personal story and values that have propelled her career in public service.

Susan E. Rice was U.S. National Security Advisor (2013–2017) and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (2009–2013). Michael Jeffries is Class of 1949 Professor in Ethics and Associate Professor of American Studies, Wellesley College.

Doors will open at 2:15 pm. This event will also be live streamed at

Books will be available for purchase at the event. (Cash or check only.)

Our Featured Speakers

  • Susan E. Rice, U.S. National Security Advisor (2013–2017) and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (2009–2013)
    Ambassador Susan E. Rice served as President Obama’s National Security Advisor and U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 2009-2017.
  • Michael Jeffries, Class of 1949 Professor in Ethics and Chair and Associate Professor of American Studies, Wellesley College
    Qualitative sociologist focusing on race, class, gender, and cultural production.