Small Grants


Thanks to generous donations from alumnae and other supporters, Wellesley’s Jewish Studies Program is often able to offer financial support to students as they pursue opportunities on- and off-campus related to the field of Jewish Studies. Any currently enrolled Wellesley student is invited to apply for such funding at any time during the academic year, using the form below, and should expect to hear from the program within two weeks.


The maximum amount of funding offered for such opportunities is generally limited to $200. Students are not prohibited from applying for these grants more than once, but priority will be given to students who have not yet received funding from the Jewish Studies Program.


Some examples of what might be funded by these grants might include:


  • The purchase of a new Yiddish textbook for self-study

  • Tuition for a not-for-credit online course to study Ladino

  • Production costs for a student performance related to Jewish Studies

  • Travel costs for a group of students visiting a Jewish cultural landmark

  • Travel costs for a student visiting an archive or library as part of a research project


Examples of what typically will not be funded by these grants:

  • Honoraria for speakers invited by students

  • Books or tuition for for-credit college courses, at Wellesley or elsewhere

  • Alcohol, food, or entertainment


Apply here!  


If you have any questions, please email Professor Josh Lambert (, director of the Jewish Studies Program.