Advanced Placement Policies and Language Requirement

There are several paths to completing the Language Requirement in Spanish:

  • A student entering Wellesley with an Advanced Placement score of 5, an International Baccalaureate High Level score of 5, or a score of 690 on any SAT in Spanish (literature, language) fulfills the Language Requirement by taking one semester of Spanish above the level of 243.  
  • A student entering with an Advanced Placement score of 4 fulfills the Language Requirement by taking Spanish 241 (one semester).  
  • All other students with previous study of Spanish should take the Department's Placement Exam.  Based on the results of the exam, a student will fulfill the Language Requirement by taking one semester of 241, two semesters of Intermediate Spanish (201/202) or four semesters of Beginning and Intermediate Spanish (101/102/201/202).
  • A student who has been exposed to Spanish at home but has no formal study of the language may qualify to complete the Language Requirement by taking one semester of Spanish 243.  To gain admittance to this course, a student should take the Department Placement Exam and make an appointment for an interview with Professor Antonio Arraiza Rivera.
  • A student who is a native speaker or a very advanced learner of Spanish may be certified as having fulfilled the Language Requirement by permission of the department. Please contact the Chair for more information.