About our faculty residential community
The majority of Wellesley College students reside on campus. In keeping with the value Wellesley places on its residential community, the College also maintains a faculty housing program to enable a sizable proportion of its faculty members to live in close proximity to the campus. The College invests in the value of a residential community in two ways: first by offering close to 100 units of rental accommodations of different types within walking distance of campus; second by offering an advantageous mortgage plan for faculty members who receive tenure and who wish to live in Wellesley or in towns, part or all of which, fall within a ten-mile radius of the campus.
The faculty housing program is open to members of the faculty and certain administrative officers. It is not always possible to provide rental accommodations to all members of the faculty who might wish for it, and under these circumstances the program offers priority and more favorable rental rates to tenure-track faculty members and to new faculty in the first six years of an appointment. Nevertheless, the College makes every effort to provide rental housing for lecturers, visiting fellows and other non-tenure track faculty on appointments that are half-time or greater, and holds rental rates below market value for all untenured faculty.
Rules and regulations for faculty housing are established by the Faculty Benefits Committee, whose membership includes representatives of the faculty and the administration.
All residents are subject to zoning and other regulations of the Town of Wellesley regarding fire control, animal control, safety, sanitation and other matters of public concern.
The College endeavors to maintain its rental properties in good condition and to provide safe, comfortable residences with reasonable services.
Faculty Housing
Wellesley College
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481