Factbook: Fall Snapshot
The Factbook Fall Snapshot allows the community to see overview statistics for the college population. These data are updated each year with fall census data from October. The snapshot currently shows data from Fall 2024.
- Current student body statistics, including student headcount, ethnicity, and full-time equivalent (FTE) count
- Most recent graduating class, including number of majors per discipline and number of double majors
- Current staff statistics, including headcount broken out by administrative/union, gender, and ethnicity
- Current faculty statistics, including headcount broken out by tenure track/non-tenure track, gender, and ethnicity
Factbook: Historical Trends
The historical trends factbook contains current and recent, usually past 10-year, historic data about the college. It includes:
- Fall Enrollment Detail: The most recent 10-year official fall enrollment data class, on-campus status, race/ethnicity, discipline and major
- Graduates and Degree Conferral: The most recent 10-year graduates data, including graduates by discipline, states and countries represented, and graduates by major
- Admission Statistics: The most recent 10-year first-time student admission data, including total count of applicants, accepted, and enrolled students of each first-year class, and selectivity and yield rate
- Faculty and Staff data: Faculty and staff data from 2018 to recent, including faculty by full-time/part-time status and academic ranking, staff by full-time/part-time status, faculty and staff by race/ethnicity and gender.
- Retention and Graduation Rates: Retention is the percentage of first-time degree-seeking students from their first fall term who are again enrolled in the second fall term after their first year. Graduation Rates are the calculated percentage of first-time degree-seeking students graduated within 4 and 6 years from their starting time.