The Ombuds Office is an independent, neutral resource that helps faculty, staff, and students explore options for resolving a wide range of conflicts and concerns. Its services are confidential and informal.

The office provides off-the-record guidance regarding challenging issues and conversations, as well as College policies and procedures.

The ombuds listens to and works with individuals to clarify interests and goals, strategize about handling situations, and assist with written and verbal communication. She is also able to facilitate conversations. In all situations, she will seek processes and resolutions that are equitable to all parties. If the parties request that a conversation be facilitated or a matter be mediated by a neutral person, the ombuds can serve in that capacity. Additionally, the ombuds can provide mediation training to campus groups and committees.

The Ombuds Office will not identify its visitors or discuss identified concerns with anyone without the visitors’ permission, with two exceptions:

  1. If the ombudsperson determines that there is an imminent risk of serious harm to a visitor or another person.

  2. If the ombudsperson is legally compelled to do so via subpoena; then, and only then, will the matter not remain confidential.

The office abides by the Standards of Practice of the International Ombuds Association.

Please note that the Ombuds Office is not a substitute or alternative office for reports of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, which can be confidentially reported to the Title IX office: Justin Bell at or 781.283.2451, Schneider Center 214.

The Ombuds Office is not a reporting authority and therefore is not considered “on notice” for purposes of reporting harassment, research misconduct, or any other allegations of legal and/or policy breaches. Therefore, confidentiality requests will be honored for any visitor who wishes to share information about sexual assault.

Title IX Confidential Resource Provider

Green Hall
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481