Wellesley Career Education Summer Internship Grants (Stipends for Student-Identified Placements)

Lorraine Hanley ’98

Through the ongoing and generous support of our donors, the College is able to offer funding to support unpaid internships which students identify on their own. Many award recipients pursue internships in nonprofit organizations focused on education and other community development areas, but funding is available for opportunities in other sectors both within the United States and internationally, as well. In addition to the stipends, Wellesley Career Education staff provide ongoing professional development and career education training throughout their summer experiences.

“Thanks to Career Education’s generous summer internship grant, I have been able to observe and learn about the difficulties and satisfaction of managing a theatre that focuses on marginalized identities.”

“Detroit has opened my eyes to the role of the built environment in creating a sense of place for its inhabitants.”

“I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to build community with other like minded people across the country who are dedicated to working on the same kinds of issues that I am.”

Finance, Accounting, and Insurance

Casey Hurley
Casey Hurley

A career in Finance can mean many different things, depending on what type of work you’re interested in or what specific subsect you want to explore. Within Finance, you can work in the financial department of an organization (governmental, nonprofit or for-profit) or you can work at a company that provides financial services to individuals, groups, institutions and/or organizations.

“By living in vegan communities and exploring their foodscapes, I hope to understand the lived experiences of being vegan across cultures and find ways to adapt veganism to various cultural contexts and customs.”

Introduction to Law & Law School

Nicole D. Park

This resource will provide you with information as you consider whether law school is right for you, when to attend, how to apply, and more.

Curriculum Design

Hayley Meredith McIlvaine

Career paths in curriculum design are wide-ranging, beginning with the variety of terms and job titles you will hear and levels of preparation required (a Bachelor’s degree is required, often a master’s is preferred--or depth of knowledge in the subject). There is often confusion within the occupation surrounding titles. Typically, the role involves development and evaluation of curricular and training materials.

Library Science

Hayley Meredith McIlvaine

Wherever there’s a need for information, there’s a need for a librarian. Libraries have been empowering people by offering resources, services and training to expand their knowledge for thousands of years. According to the American Library Association career resource page there are approximately 400,000 librarians and library workers who bring opportunity every day to the communities they serve.

"It’s great to come from a place like Wellesley that has a tradition of excellence, but it can be easy to forget that every alum has gone through the same thing you are going through right now."

Pre-law Advising at Wellesley: Information for Prospective Students

Christina Breitner
Christina Breiter

The liberal arts education offered by Wellesley College prepares students for a wide range of careers and graduate studies, including law school. This resource contains answers to some FAQ about preparing for law school.

Careers in Higher Education

Hayley Meredith McIlvaine

This resource will give you an overview of the career opportunities available if you want to pursue a job in a college or university setting. There are two basic career pathways in Higher Education — academic affairs and student affairs.

Careers in Social Services

Hayley Meredith McIlvaine

The term “social services” is a broad umbrella that captures a range of career pathways. In this resource, we will outline those pathways that are focused on mental health and wellness. In addition, although we highlight here some career pathways that are common.

Careers in K-12 Education

Hayley Meredith McIlvaine

There is a wide range of career opportunities in K-12 education. This resource covers various roles that one can play in a school, as well as a diversity of school types and structures.

Careers in Nonprofits

Hayley Meredith McIlvaine

While all nonprofits share a commitment to bettering society in some capacity, they are incredibly diverse in terms of size, focus, and type. In the United States alone there are millions of nonprofits ranging from small, community-based organizations, to cultural and educational institutions such as museums, universities and colleges (like Wellesley!) to large foundations supporting causes around the globe.

Careers in Fundraising and Development

Hayley Meredith McIlvaine

A field that often goes unexplored by many students is a career in fundraising and development. These professionals secure the resources and foundations needed to fuel mission-driven nonprofits

Performing Arts

Hebert Labbate

Like most art disciplines, careers in theatre span widely from performance and creative roles to technical positions to administrative functions and even educational and therapeutic professions.