Job Searching After 50

Destiny M. Barletta

This resource outlines considerations for job searching over 50, including tailored advice for your writing your resume, networking, and interviewing.

“I think art’s first goal is to remind us that we are human...”

Career Advancement

Destiny M. Barletta

Career Advancement can mean different things to different people. For some, advancement means reaching a leadership position within a company or a field. For others, advancement means performing at a high level in a given role. Sometimes, advancement means switching careers entirely to learn a whole new domain, or focusing on giving back to a field or a community.

Discounted Princeton Review Test Preparation

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Wellesley Career Education

Princeton Review


Wellesley College has a contract with the Princeton Review that allows all students to get a 50% discount on any test prep courses. This includes the MCAT, GMAT, LSAT, GRE, and DAT. 

“Wellesley gave me a solid foundation in international relations, so I wanted to explore more in-depth theoretical and historical elements, both for my own interest and for gaining specialist knowledge for my career.”

Test Preparation Book Loan Program

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Wellesley Career Education


Wellesley Career Education has LSAT, GRE, MCAT and DAT test prep books to lend to current students planning to take one of these exams in the near term. 

Graduate School Preparation Mini-Grants

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Wellesley Career Education

The Graduate/Professional School Preparation Fund, funded by a generous grant from the Wellesley Students’ Aid Society, is intended to help current Wellesley students with expenses related to graduate or professional school preparation. 

Graduate School in International Affairs, Political Science, Policy, etc

Nicole D. Park

This resource covers:

Masters Degrees

  • Master in Public Policy (MPP), 
  • Master of Public Administration (MPA), 
  • Master of International Affairs/Relations/Foreign Policy/Foreign Service, 
  • Master of Security Studies/National Security
  • Master of Political Science

Joint Degrees


PhD in Political Science/Government/Politics or PhD in Public Policy

Applying to Graduate School

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Wellesley Career Education

"Do I want to apply now?" There is no simple way to answer this question because the reasoning is different for each person. This resource will help you to consider if this is the best time for you to apply for graduate school.

Financing Your Graduate School Education

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Wellesley Career Education

Everyone will specific questions regarding their financial situation and how it impacts the entire application and funding process. This resource provides information to help you project costs and possible methods of funding including loans, school-based aid, PhD specifics, outside funding, fellowships, and scholarships.

Application Timelines for Graduate School

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Wellesley Career Education

This resource provides a date-free timeline, to give you an idea of the order of events in an application process. Specific dates and timeframes/timelines can vary greatly by academic program and area of interest.