Oct 7, 2024

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP) - expected direct application deadline

Eligible: graduating seniors and recent grads who are U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents, applying for or in one of the first two years of study in an eligible graduate program.

Research/Gradschool, Postgraduate, Fellowship

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships (NSF GRFP) support up to three years of graduate study in the sciences and social sciences at a U.S. institution. Application Deadline(s) vary according to proposed field of study (& are 5 p.m. local time at applicant’s mailing address).  Please note, this is the earliest of expected deadlines; see the program website for updates and details.

Read their ...

Sep 25, 2024

Gates Cambridge Scholarship - expected direct application deadline for US applicants

Eligible: seniors and graduates, in any discipline and from any country except the UK

Research/Gradschool, International Student, Travel, Postgraduate

Gates Cambridge Scholarships support graduate study in any discipline at the University of Cambridge. Details and application, plus helpful videos, via: www.gatescambridge.org.

 This is an expected deadline: see the...

Environmental Qualitative Research at Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU).

Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) - EPA Environmental Research and Business Support Program

Water Research GIS Support at Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU).

Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) - EPA Environmental Research and Business Support Program