Science Research

Alexis Trench
Alexis Trench

Participating in research experiences as an undergraduate is an excellent way to add depth to your science understanding and actively engage with what you are learning in the classroom. By doing so, you further develop your laboratory, analytical, and problem-solving skills, and you start to build your network with faculty members. Research experiences are valuable components to your resume, and they can make you more competitive for both graduate school and industry opportunities.

How to Conduct Career Research

Advisors for Career Exploration

Regardless of where you are in your career — whether you are unsure where to begin or you are preparing for a final round interview — conducting research can help you learn more about and prepare for potential career opportunities. There are many ways to gather information when you’re in the beginning stages of exploring your options, including career research and networking. In this resource, you’ll find ideas and general resources to get started.

“I previously had dreams to be an author, but found myself called by the combination of logic, mystery, and truth in science.”

National Institutes of Standards & Technology Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (NIST SURF) (students)

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) offers Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) at NIST laboratories in Gaithersburg, MD; Boulder, CO; and Waimanalo, Hawaii. The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship is designed to inspire undergraduate students to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) through a unique research experience that supports the NIST mission.  Eligible are currently enrolled undergraduates who are US citizens or permanent residents, majoring in chemistry, computer science, physics, engineering, materials science, fire research, nanotechnology, information technology, mathematics, biology, manufacturing, statistics, or another STEM discipline.

“Listen to your heart and use your head. Math and science ignited my imagination for as far back as I can remember.”

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship (sophomores and juniors)

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

Supports one or two years of undergraduate study in the fields of mathematics, engineering, and natural sciences. Eligible are college sophomores or juniors who are US citizens, permanent residents, and nationals intending to pursue research careers in STEM fields. Campus application deadline typically in late November/early December.


Alexis Trench
Alexis Trench

The contemporary study of the physical universe encompasses systems ranging from the microscopic — atoms, nuclei, and elementary particles, to the very large — planets, stars, and galaxies, and the Wellesley Physics department introduces students to the study of all that falls along that spectrum. Since physics covers such a broad band, students of physics develop concrete and transferable skills that can be applied in a number of different settings — academia, industry, research, government, nonprofits, and more.

Physical Sciences

Alexis Trench
Alexis Trench

The physical sciences, as a branch of natural science, focuses primarily on the study of non-living systems. However, just as these areas of study are broad, the physical sciences intersect with a wide range of career opportunities, which can be found in the private sector, in education and academia, and in all levels of government.

Introduction to Interviewing

Wellesley Career Education logo
Wellesley Career Education

Career Education's Interviewing Resources are centered around The Four Pillars, or Four P’s (Preparation, Presentation, Proficiency, Partnership) of Interviewing, which serve as the foundation for a successful interviewing experience.

Job Shadowing

Advisors for Career Exploration

What better way to learn about a particular career path, industry, company, or role than experiencing it yourself? If you want to learn more about a specific path before committing to an internship or job, consider “shadowing” an individual who currently works in the field as a way to experience a typical workday in that career.

Finding an Internship

Lorraine Hanley ’98

While the College supports hundreds of students through our funded internship programs, the opportunities to intern around the world are endless. We understand it can be overwhelming to get started, so here are a few ideas to jumpstart your search.

Churchill Scholarships (seniors & graduates)

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

Supports one year of graduate study (including one-year research degrees) in science, mathematics, or engineering at Cambridge. Eligible: graduating seniors and recent graduates of Wellesley College who are US citizens with majors in appropriate STEM fields. Campus application deadline typically in early October.

Assess Yourself: What Are You Bringing on Your Career Journey?

Advisors for Career Exploration

Where do you begin when you don’t know where to begin with your career path? What are new opportunities you could explore once you find a field that fascinates you? How do you prioritize which experiences to pursue when there are a few, several, or many options that interest you?

Leverage Your Experience Abroad

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Wellesley Career Education

Co-authored by Wellesley Career Education and the Wellesley Office of International Study.

This resource provides tips to help you leverage your study abroad experience upon your return.