Job Searching After 50

Destiny M. Barletta

This resource outlines considerations for job searching over 50, including tailored advice for your writing your resume, networking, and interviewing.

“I think art’s first goal is to remind us that we are human...”

Career Advancement

Destiny M. Barletta

Career Advancement can mean different things to different people. For some, advancement means reaching a leadership position within a company or a field. For others, advancement means performing at a high level in a given role. Sometimes, advancement means switching careers entirely to learn a whole new domain, or focusing on giving back to a field or a community.

“It’s okay if things don’t turn out exactly the way you expect... and as I grew throughout my time at Wellesley, I discovered that I also wanted to gain experience in more people-oriented clinical roles.”

Making the Most of a Virtual Internship or Project

Advisors for Career Exploration

Virtual internships and projects — experiences for which all of the work is done online from a remote location (e.g., your home) instead of on-site at the workplace - come with their own benefits (no commute!) and their own challenges (how to get to know colleagues?). This document will help you to identify and strategize for some of the benefits and challenges of a virtual experience in advance, so you’ll be ready to make the most of your summer experience.

Leading with Empathy: A Guide for Mentors and Mentees

Heidi Johnson

This guide is an overview for approaching the mentorship relationship with care.

Make the Most of Your Internship

Advisors for Career Exploration

Prepare to make the most of your experience using these tips for before, during, and after your internship.

Assess Yourself: What Are You Bringing on Your Career Journey?

Advisors for Career Exploration

Where do you begin when you don’t know where to begin with your career path? What are new opportunities you could explore once you find a field that fascinates you? How do you prioritize which experiences to pursue when there are a few, several, or many options that interest you?

20+ Questions to Jump-start Your Career Exploration

Advisors for Career Exploration

In this resource, you will find questions meant to prompt your career exploration. Take time to reflect on each question as a strong understanding of oneself will be essential in order to effectively navigate the twists and turns of your unique career path. Get to know your values, personality type, strengths and interests. These all deeply inform your satisfaction with career choice.

Job Shadowing

Advisors for Career Exploration

What better way to learn about a particular career path, industry, company, or role than experiencing it yourself? If you want to learn more about a specific path before committing to an internship or job, consider “shadowing” an individual who currently works in the field as a way to experience a typical workday in that career.