Carlos Ramos

Margaret E. Deffenbaugh and LeRoy T. Carlson Professor in Comparative Literary Studies & Professor of Spanish

Teaching and research focused on 19th, 20th and 21st century Spanish peninsular literature and cultural history.

The literary reverberations of modernization and urbanization in Spain have been the focus of my two books: Ciudades en mente: Dos incursiones en el espacio urbano de la narrativa española moderna, 1887-1934 (2002), and Construyendo la modernidad: Arquitectura y escritura en el Madrid moderno, 1918-1937 (2010), both published in Spain. Another direction of my recent research has involved the recovery of never-before-seen photographs of the Spanish Civil War. Two exhibits were organized (in Wellesley and Spain) with Professor Judith Black from the Art Department. I edited the trilingual catalog (Catalan, Spanish, and English): Lleida en guerra. La colleció Ramon Rius (2007) with contributions of specialists from Spain, México, and the United States. I have also published articles in Spain and the United States on urban literature, Spanish poetry, and Catalan narrative. My current research explores “Albadas” (Dawn songs), a poetic genre with origins in the Middle Ages, but with a fascinating contemporary life as well.

At Wellesley I have tried to keep my research connected to the areas in which I teach. I have developed courses on Spanish poetry, post-Civil War Spanish narrative, 19th-century Spanish literature and culture, the cultural connections between Spain and the United States, the cultures and civilizations of Spain, as well as two seminars. One seminar is devoted to the poet and playwright Federico García Lorca, and the other explores modernity and avant-garde in Spain. Since January 2003 I have organized, directed, and taught a Wintersession course in Barcelona called "Barcelona and the Spirit of Modernity, 1859-Present." In 2011 I was awarded the Pinanski Prize for Excellence in Teaching.

My administrative duties at the college have included service in the Agenda Committee (2002-05, chair 04-05), the Foreign Languages and Area Studies Task Force (2009-10), the Committee on Faculty Appointments (2012-15 & 20), the Provost’s Council (2011-15) the Accreditation Steering Committee (2017-19), and currently the Strategic Planning Committee as co-chair of one of the Working Groups (2019-). I have also served as the Founders/Green Hall Faculty Director (2011-15), and I am currently on my second stint as chair of the Department of Spanish (2011-14 & 17-).

I am very interested in modern architecture, cinema, and media. I explore those areas in my research and teaching. In both I tend to favor a multidisciplinary approach grounded solidly in cultural history.

Favorite pastimes include enjoying nature in New England with my wife Neus, our two daughters Blau and Duna, and our English cocker spaniel, Cooper; listening to music of all kinds; following with paralyzing anxiety my soccer team, F. C. Barcelona; and anticipating our next trip to Vall de Boí, in the Catalan Pyrenees.


  • B.A. or B.S., Universidad Central de Barcelona
  • M.A., Emerson College
  • Ph.D., Boston University

Current and upcoming courses

  • A study of the struggle for self-expression in Franco's Spain and the transition from dictatorship to democracy. Special attention will be devoted to the literature and the cinema of the Civil War and exile, and to contemporary renegotiations of the memory of the war. The materials will include recent explorations of the effects of war trauma in literature, cinema and politics. Authors include Mercè Rodoreda, Carmen Laforet, Manuel Rivas, Alberto Méndez, Adelaida García Morales, and Víctor Erice.