Franklyn Turbak

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Programs and programming languages are at the heart of both my teaching and research.

To read more about Dr. Turbak, his teaching, and his research, visit his web site.


  • B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Current and upcoming courses

This course examines how computers run programs, introducing key software and hardware abstractions and implementations between programming languages and transistors. The course traces representation and translation of data and programs through three broad topics in computer systems: computer hardware implementation, including digital logic, computer arithmetic, and machine organization; the hardware-software interface, including instruction set architecture, assembly code, and the C programming language; and abstractions for practical systems, including the physical memory hierarchy, the operating system process model, virtual memory, and memory management. Students complete extensive hands-on projects in hardware and software systems. Students are required to attend one three-hour laboratory weekly.