Kate Grandjean
Associate Professor of History
Historian of early American and Native American history, English colonialism and cultural encounters, environmental history, and violence in American history.
Katherine Grandjean holds a B.A. in History from Yale University and a Ph.D. in History from Harvard University. Her research explores early English colonization and the encounter with Native peoples, as well as the origins of American violence. Her work has been supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the American Philosophical Society, the Massachusetts Historical Society, the American Historical Association, and the Charles Warren Center for American History, and has appeared in such journals as the William and Mary Quarterly, American Quarterly, and Early American Studies. A recent essay, “New World Tempests: Environment, Scarcity, and the Coming of the Pequot War,” won the American Society for Environmental History's 2012 Alice Hamilton Prize for Best Article and the William and Mary Quarterly’s 2014 Douglass Adair Memorial Award.
She recently published her first book, American Passage: The Communications Frontier in Early New England. The book retells the story of early New England's settling, through the dark, confused world of communication. Who could travel where, who controlled the routes winding through the woods, who dictated what news might be sent—These questions, in American Passage, reveal a new dimension of contest and conquest in early America. Upcoming articles will explore Native resistance to European colonization, as well as the folklore and artifacts surrounding American memory of the colonial period. She is also at work on a new book on violence and murder in eighteenth-century North America.
At Wellesley, Professor Grandjean teaches courses on colonial American history, Native American history, the history of American food, and the history of violence and terror in early America.
HIST114 First Year Seminar: American Hauntings
HIST203 Out of Many: American History to 1877
HIST253 First Peoples: An Introduction to Native American History
HIST256 Brave New Worlds: Colonial American History and Culture
HIST260 Pursuits of Happiness: America in the Age of Revolution
HIST262 The Life and Political World of Alexander Hamilton
HIST319 Seminar: Fear and Violence in Early America
HIST320 Seminar: The Hand that Feeds: A History of American Food
HIST321 Seminar: Convicted: Crime and Punishment in Early America
- B.A., Yale University
- Ph.D., Harvard University
Current and upcoming courses
The American past is crowded with ghosts. In this seminar, we will trace the evolution of supernatural belief in America and analyze some of its most famous ghost stories. What about the nation’s history makes it such fertile terrain for ghosts? What happens when the dead refuse to stay in the past, relegated to history? Why, in short, is the American historical imagination so haunted? We’ll dig deeply into selected hauntings, drawn from across historical North America, and encounter the spirits of French Detroit, the Gettysburg battlefield, and colonial Jamaica, among others.
Investigates the origins and aftermath of one of the most improbable events in American history: the American Revolution. What pushed colonists to rebel, rather suddenly, against Britain? And what social struggles followed in the war's wake? We will explore the experiences of ordinary Americans, including women and slaves; examine the material culture of Revolutionary America; trace the intellectual histories of the founders; and witness the creation of a national identity and constitution. Those who lived through the rebellion left behind plenty of material: letters; pamphlets; teapots; runaway slave advertisements; diaries. We will consider these and more. Visits to Boston historic sites will take you back in time and space to the besieged, volatile city that led the colonies into war.
This seminar explores how crime was defined, imagined, and punished, in colonial and early national America. The origins of many current American attitudes and practices, regarding crime, lie here—in the earliest years of settlement and state-making. In readings that visit the cobbled streets and cramped bedrooms of early America, as well as courtrooms and the gallows, we will meet thieves, counterfeiters, murderers, legislators, governors, vigilantes, and even America’s first policemen. Topics include: early theories of violence and criminality; domestic violence and murder; the history of public execution; the role of race and slavery in shaping criminal law; the evolution of American attitudes toward capital punishment; and the rise of the penitentiary.
Cooking, eating, growing—Food has always been a driving force in American history. Well before the hapless colonists at Jamestown endured 1610’s horrific “starving time,” food—and the drive to eat—had begun shaping the continent’s fate. This course investigates the place of food in American history and culture, from reputed cannibalism in the American colonies to the rise of fast food in the twentieth century. In following the evolution of American foodways, we will visit eighteenth-century coffee houses, antebellum slave quarters, campfires of the American West, the slaughterhouses of the Chicago meat market, and—of course—McDonald’s. Meetings may find us eating, as well as reading; course participants will take turns introducing the group to a particular food or drink, situated historically. Each student will complete an original research project on a topic of their choice.