Nicholas Doe
Senior Instructor in Chemistry Laboratory
Creates and teaches organic and introductory chemistry labs.
I have been working on generating electronic documents/interfaces for our introductory and organic chemistry courses. These websites allow students a chance to "see" what they will be doing in lab before arriving to lab. I've also been investigating the use of tablet computers in the teaching lab and how they might be used to assist students when taking notes, drawing reactions, or inserting images into their electronic lab reports.
My passion is teaching ... I love it! I'm fascinated with creating interesting organic and introductory chemistry labs that help students see how relevant chemistry is to their everyday lives. My teaching labs have become completely electronic. I don't collect lab notebooks, but rely solely on the Internet and electronic lab reports.
When not generating and/or teaching cool labs, I love spending time with my wife and two sons. We enjoy playing basketball or soccer, as well as romping around my father's Vermont farm or my mother-in-law's beach house.
- B.A., University of California-Santa Cruz
- M.A., Stanford University
- M.S., University of California-Santa Cruz
Current and upcoming courses
Topics covered include: stereochemistry, synthesis and reactions of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, alcohols and ethers, nomenclature of organic functional groups, IR, and GC/MS.