Nikita Selivan
Assistant Volleyball Coach
Current and upcoming courses
Couch to 5K
Students will increase their aerobic capacity and learn about various training strategies and the impact of physical conditioning on the body while training to run a 5k. Each class will progress through a variety of distances, time intervals, and levels of exertion, along with learning the physiological rationale for such progressions. Various training techniques, including interval training and cross training (e.g., bike, elliptical, etc.), will be used throughout the course. The eventual goal is for the student to be able to continuously run for over 30 minutes. Students will track individual goals and progress throughout the semester.
Strength & Stretch
This course focuses on movements that build muscle strength and stretch. Students will learn ways to increase mobility and stability of different muscle groups as they master workouts that combine aspects of building strong muscles while maintaining flexibility. Classes will begin with a warm-up, proceed through a variety of exercises, and end with cool-down. The goal is for students to improve strength and flexibility as the movements increase in both intensity and length throughout the course. All exercises will use students' body weight as the sole form of resistance. Through this course, students will have the opportunity to learn movements and ultimately create their own workouts that will increase their strength, power, flexibility, mobility, coordination, and balance.