Timothy Peltason
Professor Emeritus of English
Tim Peltason was a member of the English Dept. from 1977 until his retirement in 2021, serving three times as chair of the department and from 2004-2009 as the first faculty director of the Suzy Newhouse Center for the Humanities.
I would be very happy to hear from former students at any time and also from colleagues at other institutions about any topics of shared interest. I began my professional life as a Victorianist, and have written and edited books and articles about Tennyson, Dickens, George Eliot, Oscar Wilde, and other Victorian topics and writers. I am currently at work on an essay about Anthony Trollope. But I have also written about Shakespeare, about Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, about American crime fiction, about the centrality of judgment to criticism, and, in several recent essays, about Jane Austen. I continue to be moderately active as a scholar; and very active as a reader, a movie and television watcher, a writer in several genres, and a grandfather. The picture above, a current favorite, includes the younger two of my four grandchildren on a happy pre-pandemic day.
My wife and I live very near the college in the same house where we raised our two daughters. I can still be reached at tpeltason@wellesley.edu .
- A.B., Harvard College
- M.A., Yale University
- Ph.D., Yale University