Yvette Ndlovu

Newhouse Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing

Author. Fields: Creative Writing, African Literature, Speculative Fiction, AfroSurrealism, Afrofuturism.

Yvette Lisa Ndlovu is a Zimbabwean sarungano. Her debut short story collection Drinking from Graveyard Wells (University Press of Kentucky) won the Cornell University 2023 Philip Freund Prize for Creative Writing and was shortlisted for the Ursula Le Guin Prize for Fiction. Her novel manuscript-in-progress was selected by George R.R. Martin for the Worldbuilder Scholarship. She earned her BA at Cornell University and her MFA at UMass Amherst. Her work has been supported by fellowships from the Tin House Workshop, Bread Loaf Writers Workshop, and the New York State Summer Writers Institute. She is the Newhouse Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Wellesley College and has taught at UMass Amherst, Clarion West online, and the Juniper Institute for Young Writers. She is the co-founder of the Voodoonauts Summer Fellowship for Black SFF writers. Her work has been anthologized in the World Fantasy Award-winning anthology Year’s Best African Speculative Fiction 2021 and the NAACP-award nominated Africa Risen (Tor). Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Columbia Journal, F&SF, Tor.com, Lightspeed, FANTASY Magazine, and Fiyah Literary Magazine for Black Speculative Fiction. She is currently at work on a novel.

She teaches fiction and poetry courses on Short Narrative, Speculative Fiction, Afrofuturism, AfroSurrealism, Novels-inVerse and more. Professional interests include editing and African literature.

Current and upcoming courses

Speculative fiction writers enchant audiences with their stories of magic and mayhem. Through strangeness we seek to explain the inexplicable. In this creative writing workshop, we will explore the speculative fiction techniques that will allow us to wield such power for our own stories. We’ll write, discuss and play with a variety of fantasy, Afrofuturism, horror, sci-fi, surrealism, and weird fiction tropes and structures to imagine new and exciting ways of seeing our world. We will pick apart craft essays and interviews from Carmen Maria Machado, George RR Martin, Lesley Nneka Arimah, and others and take a page out of their toolboxes to power our own work. A significant portion of the class will be dedicated to reading and giving feedback to each other’s work. This course welcomes writers of all levels and will culminate with a final portfolio of original work.