Wellesley’s senior leadership shares a common goal: providing the richest educational experience for women available in any undergraduate institution anywhere.
Members of the senior leadership team
Paula Johnson, President of the College
“Women’s leadership is recognized today as transformative—in families, communities, and nations across the globe. Through the richness of the liberal arts, Wellesley provides young women with an exceptional educational experience and cultivates their ability and determination to make their difference in the world.”
Courtney Coile, Provost and Lia Gelin Poorvu ’56 Dean of the College
“The transformational power of a Wellesley education is driven by our faculty’s exceptional teaching and scholarship and our students’ remarkable talent and ambition.”
Sheilah Shaw Horton, Vice President and Dean of Students
“Wellesley is both a rigorous institution of learning as well as a home in the best sense of the word, where we value inclusion and belonging and where we work to give every student an equal chance to contribute and be heard.”
Marisa Jaffe ’95, Vice President of Development
“The generosity of our alumnae, parents, and friends enables much of the College’s excellence—educating outstanding students regardless of their financial circumstances, supporting brilliant faculty, and sustaining the magnificent campus.”
Michael Jeffries, Dean of Academic Affairs
“The Wellesley curriculum is carefully built by our faculty, such that our academic program prioritizes adventure, collaboration, and learning with purpose.”
Debby Kuenstner, Chief Investment Officer
“Wellesley’s educational mission and commitment to meeting 100 percent of calculated need for admitted students are supported by our large endowment, the result of the generosity of generations of alumnae and friends.”
Tara Murphy, Vice President of Communications, Public Affairs, and Global Engagement
“Our work celebrates the ideas and achievements of Wellesley’s remarkable faculty, students, and alumnae and the many ways they make a difference in the world.”
Megan Núñez, Dean of Faculty Affairs
“Wellesley’s world-renowned faculty of scientists, artists, researchers, and scholars is central to its mission of fostering a community in which all students thrive.”
Piper Starr Orton, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer
“Wellesley’s mission of providing an excellent liberal arts education for women who will make a difference in the world has never been more vital.”
Karen Petrulakis, General Counsel
“Wellesley prepares our students to navigate an increasingly complex and changing world, helping them to develop a capacity to bridge difference and to work collaboratively and with purpose.”
Carolyn Slaboden, Chief Human Resources Officer
“We strive to attract and retain diverse, high-caliber faculty and staff members who are deeply engaged in serving our educational mission.”
T. Peaches Valdes, Dean of Admission and Financial Aid
“Wellesley seeks students who are discovering their agency as scholars, community builders, and changemakers. While they are here, they will develop the toolkit to live lives of consequence that will prepare them to contribute to a global community.”