Qiuyan Tang

Senior Lecturer in Chinese

Specialized in teaching Chinese as a foreign language; also a translator of literary fiction from English to Chinese.

My academic training began with studies in classical philosophy and literature. I came to Wellesley in 2007. I have been teaching Chinese language courses on 100, 200, and 300 levels. I am interested in theory and methods of language pedagogy.

In my spare time, I translate English-language short stories and novels into Chinese. Two of my translated novels have been published in Taiwan; about ten short stories were published in literary magazines in China.

I enjoy reading contemporary Chinese fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. I love photography, cooking, watching movies, playing table tennis, and traveling. My name in Chinese characters is 汤秋妍.


  • B.A., Nanjing Normal University (南京师范大学)
  • M.A., Fudan University (复旦大学)

Current and upcoming courses

An introductory course that teaches the skills of listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing in Mandarin Chinese. Emphasis is on pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and communication. Computer programs for pronunciation, listening comprehension, grammar, and writing Chinese characters will be used extensively.