Sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking are prohibited and will not be tolerated by Wellesley. Wellesley is committed to providing a safe environment in which all students can thrive as they pursue their educational goals.
Get to a safe place, if you can get there safely. It may be helpful to have someone you trust with you.
Get medical attention as quickly as possible...
- To treat injuries. Even if you do not feel injured, you may have experience bruising, lacerations, or internal injuries.
- To obtain medication for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.
- To access emergency contraception (if needed), which is more effective the earlier it is taken (must be within five days).
If you want to collect medical evidence:
- Seek help at the closest medical facility with a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE). For students on or near campus, this includes Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital and Newton Wellesley Hospital. Health Service is available to help coordinate this visit.
- Do not bathe, shower, brush teeth, or go to the bathroom (to the extent possible).
- Do not change clothes. If you already have, place them in a clean paper bag.
- If the environment in which the incident occurred is under your control, do not move or touch things.
- Trained medical advocates from the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center are available 24/7 to accompany you to a medical facility.
If you are unsure what to do, visit, or call Health Service at 781-283-2810 to speak to the on-call clinician, who can offer you options and care, and can assist you in accessing resources.
3 Days
Start HIV prophylaxis, if appropriate.
4 Days
Get tested for some drugs if substance use is suspected.
5 Days
Get a forensic evidence collection exam at a hospital.
- Seek help at the closest medical facility with a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE). For students on or near campus, this includes Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital and Newton Wellesley Hospital.
Take emergency contraception, if appropriate.
Start (non-HIV) STI prophylaxis, if appropriate.
6 Months and Beyond
Within 6 months
Preserve an evidence collection kit without reporting the crime to law enforcement or requesting an extension.
Request an extension on holding an unreported evidence collection kit to the Crime Lab.
- For assaults within the city of Boston, contact the Boston Crime Lab Evidence Control Unit at 617-343-4690.
- For assaults within Massachusetts, but not in Boston, contact the Massachusetts Crime Lab Evidence Control Unit at 508-358-3155.
- You can check on the status of a kit by contacting the Forensic Information Line at 866-463-3799.
At any time
Access medical or mental health services on or off campus.
Report an incident of sexual misconduct.
You can contact Health Service for medical care.
Specially trained clinicians, nurses, and health educators can offer students options and medical care, and assist them in accessing available resources, both on and off campus.
Hours and Contact:
- Contact: 781-283-2810
- Hours: Clinicians are available during business hours Monday through Friday and after hours 24/7 by telephone for confidential consultation and support (academic year only).
- Location: Simpson Building, 1st Floor
- Website: Health Service
Care Provided:
- Provide appropriate clinical care, including STI testing and prescribing medications for the prevention of infections and pregnancy.
- Arrange an evidence collection exam at the closest hospital best able to accommodate the student’s needs, if desired, and coordinate follow-up testing at Health Service or off campus.
- Explain and help access reporting options.
- Explain and help access available safety, housing, and academic accommodations.
- Coordinate support for students’ ongoing needs on an individualized basis.
Cost will not be a barrier to accessing care, medications or testing.
You can contact Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital or Newton Wellesley Hospital for emergency care and for evidence collection.
Both sites offer 24/7 medical care and are SANE-certified sites for forensic evidence collection exams. Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) are specifically trained to perform exams and collect forensic evidence from sexual assault survivors.
You can seek medical care whether or not you report a sexual assault to the police. You may receive free care and do not have to use your insurance.
Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital
- Contact Emergency: 617-754-2323
- Contact Rape Crisis Intervention Program: 617-667-8141
- Offers crisis intervention, advocacy, counseling, referrals and support groups for sexual assault survivors and their supporters.
- Location: 190 Pilgrim Road, Boston, MA 02215
- Website: Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital
Newton Wellesley Hospital
- Contact Emergency: 617-243-6193
- Contact Domestic and Sexual Violence Services: 617-243-6521
- Free and confidential crisis intervention, counseling, advocacy and referrals. Can assist with concerns about billing and insurance for care received at the NWH Emergency Department.
- Location: 2014 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02462
- Website: Newton Wellesley Hospital
- Hospitals (including Health Service) offer confidentiality, meaning they do not share identifiable information without your permission, unless sharing is required to address imminent safety risk or if you are a minor.
In an emergency, contact 911 or Campus Police's emergency line at 781-283-5555.
You can contact the Wellesley College Police Department.
Hours and Contact:
- Contact: 781-283-5555 (Emergency), 781-283-2121 (Non-emergency)
- Hours: Campus Police are available 24/7, 365 days a year
- Location: Davis Parking Facility
Help Provided:
- Respond immediately to reports of student sexual misconduct.
- Provide assistance with obtaining medical treatment or accessing a medical evidence collection exam.
- Assist and support for on-campus accommodations and safety planning.
- Provide a copy of the Notice of Victim’s Rights.
- Provide information on pursuing administrative or conduct charges on campus and/or legal action off campus.
- Police are a nonconfidential resource and will treat the information you give them with extreme sensitivity. In some cases, they may need to use the information to address a threat or maintain safety.
- If you report a criminal activity on campus, a specially trained Campus Police officer will respond and investigate and share the information with the Town of Wellesley Police because the College is within the jurisdiction of the Town.
- If you report criminal activity that occurred outside of Wellesley College, Campus Police will take a preliminary report documenting the basic facts and will be available to assist in working with the law enforcement department with jurisdiction.
For counseling and emotional support, contact the Stone Center Counseling Service.
Hours and Contact
- Contact: 781-283-2839
- Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm; on call after hours 24/7 (academic year only)
- Location: Simpson Building, 2nd Floor
- Website: Stone Center Counseling Service
Support Provided:
- Free and confidential individual and group short-term counseling and therapy.
- Psychiatric medication management.
- Off-campus referrals for brief or long-term therapy and related resources.
- Crisis and emergency management and support.
- Consultation for students, friends and family.
- Support and assistance regarding reporting options.
- Help accessing available safety, housing, and academic accommodations.
- Coordination of support for students’ ongoing needs on an individualized basis.
- Locating and accessing on- and off-campus care and referrals.
- Free, anonymous screenings for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more.
For spiritual support, contact the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life.
Hours and Contact
- Contact: 781-283-2685
- Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm; individual chaplains available by appointment (academic year only)
- Location: Billings Hall, 2nd and 3rd Floors
- Website: Office of Religious and Spiritual Life
Support Provided:
- Confidential pastoral care and spiritual counseling to community members.
- Confidential one-on-one meetings with chaplains.
- Support and assistance regarding reporting options.
- Access to spiritual guidance with any chaplain.
- Assistance in developing self-care practices, including religious and spiritual practices.
For information and resources, contact the Title IX Coordinator.
Hours and Contact:
- Contact: 781-283-2451
- Hours: By appointment
- Location: Schneider Center 214
- Website: Title IX Coordinator
Support Provided:
- Information regarding the College’s Title IX program, including policies, investigation process, and interim and other remedies.
- Works with other on-campus resources, as appropriate.
- Works with off-campus resources and offices at other institutions of higher education.
- Counseling and religious services offer confidentiality, meaning they do not share identifiable information without your permission, unless sharing is required to address imminent safety risk or if you are a minor.
- The Title IX Coordinator is a nonconfidential resource and will treat the information you give him or her with extreme sensitivity. In some cases, the coordinator may need to use the information to address a threat or maintain safety.
Download this chart for supporting and reporting options for students who have experienced sexual misconduct.