Workday Student Financials, where you view your student account transactions and payments.

Wellesley College records billing and payment activity on the student account, which is accessible through Workday. You can access historical account statements, view up-to-the-minute account activity, make and confirm payments, and enroll in an optional monthly payment plan (Fall and Spring semesters for Wellesley students only).

The monthly billing notification is the primary method of communicating the student's educational costs. Your Workday student financials account provides the amount due minus any pending financial aid or other payment arrangements, and lists all account activity and transactions.

Monthly billing notifications are provided within the first week of each month if the account reflects a balance due (before pending aid and payments). They are delivered electronically to your Wellesley email address and sent to any registered third party users.

Important Billing Dates

TermCharges postedPayment due date

Summer 2024

Beginning April 1, ongoing

May 13

Fall 2024

July 8

August 7

Spring 2025

December 4

January 2

Helpful hint: Always schedule your payment to occur no later than your due date.

Your Workday student financials account is available 24/7 via the MyWellesley portal.

Register and access your Nelnet Enterprise Account

Current Students:

Third Party Users

Follow the instructions in your invitation emails. If you did not receive login details, verify with your student(s) that they have given you Third Party Access and make sure they entered your email address correctly. If you still cannot log in, please email or call 781-283-4444.

Share access to your Wellesley Student Account Information

Due to federal student privacy regulations, initial access to the Workday student account is granted only to the student. Only the student is authorized to share her account with others. Third Party Users have the ability to view the student's account transactions, make a payment, and set up a monthly payment plan via Nelnet, but do not have the ability to share access with others.

Click here for instructions to add a third party user, such as a parent or other family member. Note that Third Party User access can only be granted for financial information. Third parties cannot register for courses or see grades on the student’s behalf. Once you have granted Third Party User access, please share these instructions with the person/people you want to view and pay your student account.

Late Fees and Financial Holds

Unpaid accounts are subject to late payment fees of $50 per month. Additional collection costs may apply for high balances. Registration holds may be placed on accounts with unpaid past due balances.

Student Financial Services

Schneider Center
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481