Note: this page is redirected to /fellows/apply.


Students with an interest in global affairs from all majors are eligible and encouraged to apply to be Albright Fellows.

The Albright Institute is open to Wellesley College juniors and seniors, with priority given to juniors. For the 2016 Institute, students will apply during spring semester 2015. Thus, at the time of their applications, students will generally be second semester sophomores or second semester juniors.

Students must be in good academic standing with a minimum overall 3.0 GPA and/or demonstrated potential for academic achievement. 

Selection Process and Criteria

The Albright Institute is based on a multidisciplinary approach to understanding global affairs. Institute selection committee members will choose a diverse group of 40 students from across majors and disciplines. The selection committee will interview finalists based on multiple criteria, including the following:

  • Evidence of preparation for advanced studies in global affairs, including relevant coursework, experiential learning and other experiences.
  • Awareness and knowledge of global issues and affairs.
  • Demonstration of maturity, initiative, adaptability and responsibility, as indicated by faculty reference and interview.

Application Timeline for 2016 Albright Institute

March 3, 2015

Information Session - 12:30 - 1:30pm - Founders 120

March 5, 2015

Information Session - 12:30 - 1:30pm - Pendleton East 127

March 12, 2015

Information Session - 12:30 - 1:30pm - Science Center 278

April 1, 2015

Applications due by 12:00 noon EST

April 27-April 30, 2015

Interviews of finalists

First Week of May 2015


January 2016

Wintersession course

Summer 2016


Fall 2016

Tanner Conference


Application Procedure

The application deadline for the 2016 Albright Institute is 12:00 noon on April 1, 2015

1. Submit Google application form. (Note: You must be logged in with your Wellesley credentials in order to access the form.)

2. Submit documents via Google Drive.

a. Open Google Drive.

b. Click New → Folder. Name your folder Lastname_Firstname_AlbrightApplication.

c. Drag-and-drop or upload your documents into this folder.

d. Click “Share” and type “” Please do not share the folder until you have final versions of all of your documents in the folder. Any changes made after 12:00 noon on April 1, 2015 will not be reflected in your application.

Documents to submit (PDF is the preferred format):

i. Resume. Label your resume Lastname_Firstname_Resume.

ii. Unofficial transcript (obtained from Banner self-service). Make sure your name is at the top and convert your transcript to PDF before uploading it. (Instructions for how to do this can be found here.) Label your transcript Lastname_Firstname_Transcript.

iii. Essay 1 (500 words). Label your essay Lastname_Firstname_Essay1.

What would you hope to gain from the Albright Institute?  How might your participation augment your academic interests or future goals? How would you represent Wellesley's mission and purpose if selected for this program?

iv. Essay 2 (500 words). Label your essay Lastname_Firstname_Essay2.

The United Nations is in the process of determining a development agenda for 2015-2030. This agenda will be launched in September 2015. Among the documents informing the current discussion is a set of seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by a General Assembly Open Working Group. Among these goals are:

- build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

- ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

- take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

- ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all

Select and address ONE of these goals. Explain why you think it should be included in the new development agenda and discuss some ways it could be achieved.

3. Request one letter of recommendation to be submitted from a faculty/staff member or supervisor of an internship. The letter should demonstrate your interest in and commitment to global issues. Recommendations should be submitted to The Albright Institute assumes you waive your right to review the letter of recommendation unless you notify Anne Dwojeski-Santos in writing to the contrary.

4. Participate in an on-campus (or phone if abroad) interview, if selected as a finalist.


For Students Studying Abroad

We understand there may be students accepted to the Albright Institute who are also selected to participate in a study abroad program that conflicts with the dates of the Wintersession course. If accepted to the Institute, those students will begin with the internship component in the summer after their junior year, followed by participation in the Wintersession component in their senior year.

Questions? Please see FAQs or email