Job Searching After 50

Destiny M. Barletta

This resource outlines considerations for job searching over 50, including tailored advice for your writing your resume, networking, and interviewing.

“I think art’s first goal is to remind us that we are human...”

Career Advancement

Destiny M. Barletta

Career Advancement can mean different things to different people. For some, advancement means reaching a leadership position within a company or a field. For others, advancement means performing at a high level in a given role. Sometimes, advancement means switching careers entirely to learn a whole new domain, or focusing on giving back to a field or a community.

Projects for Peace Alumni Award (graduates)

Kate Dailinger
Kate Dailinger

Projects for Peace is a global program that partners with educational institutions to identify and support young peacebuilders and changemakers. Each year, the Projects for Peace Alumni Award will award up to $50,000 to support the continuing peacebuilding efforts of a past Projects for Peace grantee. The Award is made possible through the Kathryn Wasserman Davis Collaborative in Conflict Transformation at Middlebury.  Campus application deadline typically in January. 

Management Consulted

Casey Hurley
Casey Hurley

Career Education is excited to announce the continuation of a partnership with Management Consulted! Management Consulted is the world’s leading resource for consulting and case interview prep. We have provided you with access to MC’s entire library of resources – 500+ cases, 8 video courses, and 10K case drills. In these resources, you will learn the ins and outs of mental math, case and fit interviews,

“I’m glad I decided to pursue Fulbright. It gave me an opportunity to share my unique experience as an immigrant and first-generation college student, not only with my Chinese colleagues, but also with other international students at Northwest University, who rarely meet Chinese Americans.“ 

“We have authored research documents on a wide range of labor issues, from exploitative employment contracts in textile factories to sexual harassment on tea estates.”

“Our library work allows us to interact with a multitude of subjects that we would otherwise not have been exposed to and has opened our eyes to a wide variety of topics that our majors may not cover.”

“Spending two months in Delhi and directly seeing the impact of this NGO’s work has made us grow as students and as individuals.”

“I’ve learned that at its core, medicine is all about creating an environment where relationships can be fostered and grown.”

“Detroit has opened my eyes to the role of the built environment in creating a sense of place for its inhabitants.”

“Working on multiple ongoing projects has pushed us to become adaptive, composed professionals.”

“A typical day at the office consists of research and report-writing on topics such as public access to information, governmental corruption and financial crimes, and Argentinian geopolitical relations.”