Interviewing Preparation

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Wellesley Career Education

As you begin to prepare for an interview, remember that it is essentially a conversation between two people to determine mutual fit. At the end of the conversation the interviewer should be able to determine whether or not you are able to perform the responsibilities required for the job, internship, fellowship or program and you will be able to determine whether or not the organization and role are the right next steps for your talents, taking into consideration your interests, academics and career aspirations.

Interviewing Presentation

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Wellesley Career Education

Presenting yourself professionally will come more naturally if you have done your due diligence to prepare for the interview. After you thoroughly research the employer, the role, and yourself, you will be ready to focus on how your presentation skills. These skills are essential to demonstrate from the time you respond to an invitation for an interview to the time you send thank you notes to the interviewers. Aim to be your most genuine, positive, polite self.

Introduction to Networking

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Wellesley Career Education

For some, the idea of networking is exciting. For others, the mere mention of the word can be anxiety provoking. In either case, it is important to know:

  • Why networking is important to your lifelong career success
  • What networking actually is, and what it is not
  • Where you can effectively network
  • Skills and strategies for networking