Registration FAQs

Registration FAQ for Students

How do I know the course schedule and availability?

The full course schedule is available through the Course Browser. The course browser includes real-time information about open seats, meeting days/times, prerequisites, distribution requirements, and course descriptions.

What does add/drop mean?

The term “add/drop” refers to the period of open registration after initial registration, when students can add, drop, and waitlist for courses in Workday. If a course has available seats and doesn’t require instructor permission, students may add it during the designated add period. Students may drop a course online during the drop period to remove it from their schedule. Please refer to the academic calendar for specific add/drop deadlines.

How do I register?

All students register online using Workday. Directions for registering online are available under the Student Self-Service tab in your MyWellesley portal.

How many courses should I register for?

During the initial registration period, students may register for a maximum of 4.75 units (4 courses). During the add/drop period at the beginning of each semester, upperclass students may register for a maximum of 5.75 units (5 courses).

First-Year students may register for a maximum of 4.75 units (4 courses) in the Fall semester. First-Year students who wish to overload on courses for their Spring semester must first obtain their Class Dean's permission.

What happens if I can’t get into a course that I really need?

It is important to prepare for registration by selecting several alternative courses/schedules, so you have maximum flexibility during registration. Many introductory courses have multiple sections.

What if I need instructor permission to add a course?

Take a look at the course description in the Course Browser - is there a W in the upper right corner of the expanded view of the course description?

  • Blue W means the course has a Workday Waitlist - it becomes active when a course fills. To put themselves on the waitlist students need to attempt to register for the course in Workday.
  • Green W means the course has an Alternative Waitlist - students may add themselves to the waitlist by clicking on the green W and ranking the course sections in order of their preference.
  • No W means the course does not have a waitlist. Contact the instructor directly to inquire about getting into the course.
  • Permission: Instructor Permission Required (in red at the bottom of the course description) - students must contact the instructor directly to inquire about a seat in the course.
What is Credit/Non?

Credit/Non-Credit, or Credit/Non, refers to a type of course grading that does not result in a letter grade. Some courses (primarily in the Writing department) are mandatory credit/non and students will receive either a CR (credit) or NCR (no credit) as their final grade.

Should I take a course Credit/Non?

Students may take a course credit/non for a variety of reasons. See your Class Dean to talk about whether Credit/Non makes sense for you.

Note: The overall number of courses electively taken Credit/Non are factored into Latin Honors eligibility.